Shoes don't usually make great gifts. Not only do you have to figure out what style the potential recipient is into, you somehow have to sneakily find out what their shoe size is. But Coco Brandolini D'Adda's uncle decided it was worth the effort and gifted his niece a pair of gold and black Christian Louboutin boots from the shoe designer's very first collection. (She still has them, in case you're wondering.) That gift spawned a friendship, which then led to a collaboration.
Louboutin and D'Adda became such great pals that when the latter wanted to design a footwear collaboration, she knew just who to ask. The result is a collection of fancy footwear designed to look good and feel good even after running around the whole day. Choose from molded brown leather booties, funky floral flats, gold peep-toes and more.