Political parties in Trafford have their sights firmly set on two Tory strong-hold seats in the local elections on May 5. The Green Party, Liberal Democrats and Labour are all hoping to knock the Conservatives off their perch next week in both Hale Central and Hale Barns wards.
The seats proved to be a real battle ground back in 2021, with the Greens narrowly missing out in Hale Central, and it looks like things will be even closer this time around. Hale Central and Hale Barns became wards in 2004 when the larger Hale ward was split in two and both have been Conservative since their inception.
Before that, Hale ward was blue for 48 years, since 1973. This time around, the Greens, Liberal Democrats and Labour are all chomping at the bit to take a further chunk out of the Conservative voter share in Hale.
The Conservatives themselves said it’s likely to be an even tighter contest for the seat this year, but they remain confident.
A spokesperson for Trafford Conservatives said: “It is going to be a tighter race this year than last year, but we are confident that the Conservative candidate will be elected in Hale Central this year. Whilst many people are disappointed with the actions down in Westminster, this is a local election to tackle local issues, and the people of Hale deserve a local candidate to be represent them.
“Unlike the other parties who have candidates from the other side of Trafford, we have a candidate who lives locally in Hale in John Brodie, who is involved in many of the groups and projects in Hale and worked tirelessly in the local community for years.
“The majority of people in Hale don’t support Green Party policies. We are assured that Hale residents when they look at the policies and candidates of the parties, they will back again the only local candidate in this election, the Conservative candidate John Brodie.”
The Greens, who came so close to unseating the Tories in Hale Central last year, are hoping for better luck in 2022.
Coun Dan Jerrome, leader of the Green Party on Trafford council, said: “We are optimistic that Jane can win this time. The response on the doorstep is really positive, with people recognising how hard-working Jane is. They appreciate how visible and approachable she is. People know that she genuinely wants to work with the local community.

“After last year’s result, nobody has any doubt that Jane is the main challenger here in Hale, and people see the Green Party as offering a different kind of politics. There is also an extra element this year, of life-long Conservative voters feeling very let down by the national party. Jane offers an honest and open approach that they can trust.
“There is a real shift on the ground from Conservative to Green happening here in south Trafford over the last few years, and it is gaining pace. It looks like Bowdon will be a closely run race too between [Green Party candidate] Gareth Twose and a new Conservative.”
Trafford’s Liberal Democrats are also looking for a slice of the pie. A spokesperson for the group said they are ‘ramping up the pressure on the Conservatives right across the board’.
The Liberal Democrat candidate for Timperley, Will Frass, said: “While the Tories scramble to defend their boss’s awful behaviour in Downing Street, it’s Liberal Democrat councillors across Timperley who are getting on with the real job. We work all year round for a better deal from our local services.
"We fight Timperley’s corner and support our local businesses. And it’s the Liberal Democrats who residents turn to for action on our environment, from flooding to tree planting. I’m proud of the support the Liberal Democrat team are getting right across our community.”
Trafford Labour chose not to comment when approached.
For a full list of candidates standing in next week’s local election on Thursday May 5, please click here.