While the haunting phone call made by a mother who found her beloved child missing would send shivers down any person's spine, not everything was as it first seemed.
Angharad Williamson phoned police just hours after her son was murdered and dumped in a river and it would be discovered that she was playing an elaborate performance. Williamson, 31, her partner John Cole, 40, and a youth defendant who cannot be named for legal reasons were found guilty of murdering her son Logan Mwangi.
The five-year-old's body was discovered in the River Ogmore in Bridgend only a few yards away from home. Cole and the youth carried Logan's body from Williamson's home at lower Lower Llansantffraid, Sarn, in the early hours of July 31, 2021 which was revealed by shocking CCTV footage, Wales Online reports.
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Despite this, Williamson claimed to have no knowledge her son had died. She claimed to have slept through the night as her partner and the youth disposed of the child's body. However, in reality, Williamson was up and about in Logan's room with the lights seen switching on and off while Cole and the youth were vacant from the property.
As the pair returned from disposing of the five-year-old's body, Williamson sent them back out again to get rid of Logan's dinosaur pyjama top which had been ripped during the assault. The plotters then concocted a plan to report Logan as missing in an attempt to trick authorities into believing Logan had drowned after escaping the household.

Williamson attempted to play the hysterical mother to police as she phoned them begging the operator to being her son home safely. She even tried to blame an innocent woman for Logan's disappearance by claiming he was kidnapped.
The trio were convicted of murdering Logan by a jury of five men and seven women at Cardiff Crown Court on Thursday after five hours of deliberation.
Mrs Justice Jefford adjourned the case for sentencing at a date to be fixed.
Here is a transcript of the fraudulent 999 call Williamson made to police
Williamson: Please please help me please.
Operator: Where are you?
Williamson: My son, I don’t know he’s not here….
Operator: Okay, take a breath, because I can’t understand you when you’re crying. Where are you?
Wiliamson: Lower Llansantffraid, in Sarn… Send somebody, he’s not here.
Operator: Okay. Who’s not there?
Williamson: My son, he’s my baby and he’s not here.
Operator: Okay, take a breath. When did you see him last?
Williamson: I tucked him in last night and I have got up and he’s not here... Logan, Logan, Logan.
Operator: Okay, take a breath, he’s five and he’s gone. Can you see any of the doors open?.... I need you to speak to me, not just shout. I know it’s really full-on and it’s really scary. I need you to tell me.
Williamson: Where is he?
Operator: What’s his name?
Williamson: Logan, Logan Williamson, please… he’s five, please….He’s a little mixed race boy, he’s got his Spidey pyjamas on…. Where are his shoes?
Operator: Okay. Is anybody else there with you? Any other adults?
Williamson: Yeah my partner, he’s looking now.
Operator: Right, are any of the doors or windows open?
Williamson: Doors, windows, what’s open? Someone tell me what.
Operator: Take a breath, I know that this is terrifying for you. Right now I need (inaudible), breathe so that I can get the information I need.
Williamson: My back gate is open, my back gate is open.
Operator: Okay, the back gate. Where does the back gate lead up to?
Williamson: I don’t know what the road’s called.
Operator: That’s fine, it leads onto a road as opposed to a field or anything like that does it?
Williamson: I walk, I’m walking up now. It’s concrete…. You’ve got to look for him now.
Operator: What’s your name? I need to know your name a second.
Williamson: Are you sending someone please?... Angharad
Operator: Okay Angharad, I really need you to just take a breath for a second okay because you’re trying to hyperventilate. I know that this is very, very scary. I need you to stay in the house. So who’s run out after Logan?
Williamson: My fiancé, my partner.
Operator: Your partner has, okay. So dad’s gone out looking, yeah? What’s dad’s name?
Williamson: John Cole. He’s stepdad but virtually dad.
Operator: We’re going to flood the area with officers.
Williamson: He’s never done anything like this…They’re looking now…Logan had Covid for the past week. He’s been in lockdown the past week with Covid….He’s never had symptoms…Please help me, this is my baby…I just can’t stand here and do nothing… Where is he?... I just can’t stand here…Please, I’m begging you, please. He’s my baby.
Williamson refers to a woman and blames her for Logan’s disappearance. She tells the operator: "I bet she’s done this." Williamson then appears to be speaking to a passer-by. She said: “Excuse me, have you seen my son? Thank you. Where are they?..."
Williamson: Isolation was lifted today. He’s supposed to be going out now…..
She’s asked by the operator if Logan has a favourite place to go.
Williamson: Oh my friend Rhi’s, oh I can’t think, oh hang on, oh hang on. (She begins hyperventilating) My son is missing… Where are they, please ….
She’s asked about Logan’s biological father.
Williamson: No, he’s not seen him in three years. He lives all the way in London. He can see him whenever he wants, he just chooses not to.
She again accuses the woman of having Logan.
Williamson: Please, where is everybody? Nobody is here. (She shouts: "Logan, Logan.") I just can’t stand here. Where are you? No, where is he?…He’s five. He can’t be out here on his own, there’s no parent with him, he must be scared.
The operator tries to reassure Williamson and tells them police are looking for Logan and will find him.
Williamson: I don’t see anyone…. [The woman], it’s got to be her….. We have had alarms on the doors, I don’t know how this has happened. I’ve got window alarms and I have got…. How has this happened?…. If one of your children were missing, what would you do?…Please send someone… But why is nobody here? Who’s here? [The woman] she has him please….I can’t see anybody... (She shouts: "Logan, please, Logan.") He hasn’t got his shoes on, he hasn’t got his coat…..I suffer from anxiety (Again blames the woman) Get here to get my baby back….Please promise me you’ll find him, please…..I am severely epileptic, yeah….I need someone here to be looking for him and there’s not one person standing outside my house. There’s a whole park here, I can’t go and look. ( She shouts: "Logan." The operator asks her to calm down.)
Williamson: I think it’s a lot easier said than done, I woke up and my son’s missing from my house…. Oh please bring somebody here to help, I want my baby here, please.
The operator asks if the police have arrived..
Williamson: He’s here, he’s here. Help me please. Yeah I see the... I don’t know where he is, I don’t know where he is…. Please help me, oh please. We need to look please.
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