Cometh the hour, cometh the giant iPhone with an annoying United Australia Party text message written on it. The folks at The Chaser have put their collective noggins together and delivered a much-needed dose of payback to Australia’s least magnetic mining magnate Clive Palmer.
While campaigning at an (embarrassingly small) rally, Clive Palmer’s speech (read: gurgle) was interrupted by a Chaser member wearing a human-sized cardboard iPhone.
@chaser.com.au Decided to pay Clive Palmer back for all those f*^cking text messages
The TikTok was captioned “Decided to pay Clive Palmer back for all those f*^cking text messages”.
Really doing the lord’s work there, team. My hat goes off to you.
During the video, the man-sized iPhone repeatedly yelled, “Clive! Clive, I’ve got a message!”
Supporters of Clive’s United Australia Party quickly attempted to shoo the two-legged iPhone away. However, a few moments later one yellow shirt-wearing Palmer supporter chucked a full-on tantrum yelling, “shut the fuck up … shut the fuck up!”
Ay, Ai, Ai! It’s almost like those texts are … ANNOYING?!
Clive Palmer’s spammy text messages have become somewhat of a cultural phenomenon over the past few years. It feels like everyone and their dog have copped a text asking for their vote during whichever election cycle Clive’s decided to splash cash at.
If by some miracle you’ve managed to avoid these texts, here’s an example from 2019.
“Make Australia Great,” the message starts. “Fast trains for Melbourne. One hour to CBD from up to 300kms away. Vote 1 United Australia Party, Clive Palmer.”
More recently, conspiracy cornflake and now United Australia Party member Craig Kelly joined in on the fun.
A text message was reportedly sent en masse to a bunch of different numbers last year which simply read: “You can never trust the Liberals, Labor or [the] Greens again,” with a link to Kelly’s own website. Fun!
#ClivePalmer money – brings you a personal text message from #CraigKelly.
Anyone else getting these? pic.twitter.com/V9aBjoEvT0— Hugh Riminton (@hughriminton) August 26, 2021
As the 2022 election draws closer, hopefully we see less Clive Palmer and more life-sized telecommunications devices.
One can only hope…
The post The Chaser Just Dressed Up As A Giant Clive Palmer Text Message To Heckle Him At His Own Rally appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .