The Challenge has expanded everywhere, with new franchises like The Challenge: USA and the OGs who competed on All-Stars.
But now, the flagship show is back on MTV, with Season 39 premiering.
This time around? It’s The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion. There will be 24 competitors, among them are some absolute legends — names like CT, Laurel, Darrell, Jordan and Tori — who have won before. But those winners will appear in eliminations.
That means the recognizable names elsewhere will be competing for their very first title.
The season will premiere on October 25 at 8 p.m. ET on MTV. Take a look at the full cast below, along with the teaser that dropped in mid-September:
Asaf Goren

Berna Canbeldek

Big T Fazakerley

Brad Fiorenza

Callum Izzard

Cara Maria Sorbello

Ciarran Stott

Colleen Schneider

Darrell Taylor

Devin Walker

Ed Eason

Emanuel Neagu

Horacio Gutierrez

Hughie Maughan

James Lock

Jay Starrett

Jessica Brody

Jordan Wiseley

Jujuy Jimenez

Kaycee Clark

Kaz Crossley

Kyland Young

Laurel Stucky

Melissa Reeves

Michele Fitzgerald

Moriah Jadea

Nurys Mateo

Olivia Kaiser

Ravyn Rochelle

Tori Deal

Zara Zoffany

CT Tamburello

Corey Lay

Chauncey Palmer