North Lanarkshire Council has agreed a deal in principle to purchase The Centre Cumbernauld from its private owners, which will see it being demolished and replaced as part of its £3.5bn vision for the town.
The Centre Cumbernauld was built in 1967 as part of the new town development. It is expected to be replaced with a 'town hub' as part of a long-term, multi-million pound programme.
It will remain open for business while plans are further developed. Tenant businesses will be part of an in-depth engagement programme over the coming years to ensure a smooth transition.
The council is set to embark on a consultation programme with businesses, local communities and stakeholders as part of this project.
The purchase will mean that the vast majority of the original town centre buildings will now be owned by the council. The redevelopment will not start for a number of years and could take around a decade to complete.
Council-owned facilities such as the tryst, library and other offices in the centre will also be replaced, with facilities transferring to the new hub.

The council published a draft 'vision' for all the towns in North Lanarkshire in 2020, the details of which have since been the subject of consultations with local people.
In Cumbernauld, the new town centre will incorporate schools, leisure facilities, office space and a new health centre.
Alongside this would be new retail, town centre homes and amenity spaces, all of which should be connected through active and sustainable travel options.
The council plans to make the town centre a “key hub and regional centre” for zero carbon living, restructuring it with a “more compact mixed-use model”.
It will develop a grid of streets, squares and spaces and connected paths and cycleways, while connecting the town centre with new and existing housing.
Councillor Jim Logue, leader of North Lanarkshire Council, said: “The acquisition of The Centre Cumbernauld is an extremely significant part of the town vision for Cumbernauld and would represent a huge step forward in the regeneration of the town.
“While these plans will have a significant positive impact on Cumbernauld, they will take a number of years to realise.
“During that time, Cumbernauld remains open for business and the council will support retailers and other businesses throughout to maximise their potential and continue to attract custom.”
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