With temperatures across the city now well below freezing, those sleeping rough are left exposed to the cold snap. Not only must they battle with the elements but the cost of living crisis has caused homelessness to increase.
Homelessness charity St Mungo's has now activated its Severe Weather Emergency Protocol across all regions, including Bristol. This will see more outreach workers providing round-the-clock emergency support to people over the next few nights "to ensure they are brought into the safe and warm".
Bristol outreach manager Emily Williams said: "We know that sleeping rough is dangerous all year round, but freezing temperatures can pose a risk to life. During periods of cold and extreme weather, it is essential that partner agencies, members of the public and people experiencing homelessness are all aware that additional accommodation is available for people sleeping rough."
READ MORE: The reality of Bristol's cost of living crisis - from skipping meals to rough sleeping
Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter, said the government must do more to make sure that no-one has to risk their life sleeping rough. She added: "A freezing doorway or a flimsy tent is no substitute for a home. When temperatures drop below zero, people who are forced to sleep rough are harshly exposed to the elements, too often putting their lives at risk. Ultimately, the only lasting solution to keep people safe from the streets is to invest in a new generation of genuinely affordable social homes, which offer people the right support to get back on their feet and rebuild their lives."
Councillor Tom Renhard, Bristol City Council cabinet member for housing delivery and homes, said: "We know that rough sleeping is always dangerous, but the cold weather makes people even more vulnerable, and it is vitally important to offer a bed to everyone who needs one. We will use this time as an opportunity to engage with people who are rough sleeping around the city and try and help them find a route away from the streets and into settled accommodation."

According to the Government's Autumn 2021 rough sleeping snapshot figures in England, Bristol was named as one of the council areas in England with the highest numbers of people sleeping rough. The data further showed that more than 2,000 people in England were estimated to be sleeping rough on a given night. And almost 5,000 people were being accommodated in emergency accommodation as of December 2021 (in line with the cold weather provision and Protect & Vaccinate initiative).
Although the latest figures showed that rough sleeping had fallen by nine per cent and is still down on pre-pandemic levels thanks to the everyone initiative that enabled services to support people into emergency accommodation. In Bristol, at least 1,400 were accommodated however, homelessness is still on the rise.
A spokesperson for Bristol charity InHope said: "Unfortunately, homelessness continues to increase with the impact of the cost of living crisis, a disparity between housing benefit and the lower end scale of housing rents and evictions. We are still seeing new and old people returning to the streets, there are between 50-70 people rough sleeping in Bristol with official figures due to be published shortly. At present, the severe cold weather protocols have not been activated but in light of the weather forecast dropping below minus this could change tomorrow."

Bristol Soup Run Trust says it has witnessed a rapid increase in the number of non-street sleepers using its services. Volunteer coordinator Sophie Flecken said: "Many of the people who have been temporarily housed, are sleeping on a friend's sofa, or are in a financially-vulnerable position are using our services as the cost of food, electricity and heating continues to rise. Many of the people who attend our soup run are also looking for friendship, support and advice as life becomes even more pressured and stressful for them, making them especially vulnerable, and those with mental health issues pushed to breaking point."
Like other Bristol organisers who support those experiencing homelessness and poverty across the city, she said the cold poses a "very real danger of illness or even death for those sleeping rough". Sophie added: "Once someone who sleeps outside gets wet from the rain, it is almost impossible for them to get themselves and their stuff dry, which is a real problem, especially as temperatures drop."
Support services in Bristol
St Mungo's
St Mungo's has an outreach team working throughout the year to provide support to those who are sleeping rough. The charity urges members of the public to help by using the referral line 0117 4070330 ( Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm) to alert it if they see somebody sleeping on the streets. No-one will be turned away. You can also send an email to bristolspot@mungos.org.
If you want to help someone you see on the streets, and feel comfortable stopping to have a chat, you can ask them what might be helpful - whether that's a hot drink, food, or help to call Shelter's free emergency helpline. You can also contact Streetlink at www.streetlink.org.uk who may be able to send outreach services directly to the person - but if you think someone needs urgent medical help, call 999.
You can join Shelter by calling on the government to help prevent homelessness by unfreezing housing benefits right now so that people can afford to pay their rent this winter.
Bristol Youth Maps
If you're aged 16 to 21 you can contact Bristol Youth Maps at 0117 332 711 or 0800 035 4213 or bristolyouthmaps@1625ip.co.uk.
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