In March 1993, an American tourist visiting family in Glasgow was trapped under the rubble of a Bridgeton tenement for three hours.
Anne Zennaiter, from New York, was staying with her aunt on Springfield Road when the three-storey building collapsed. At the time, workmen were digging foundations for new housing in a vacant site next to the tenement.
Rescue workers dug with their bare hands to pull the 55-year-old woman from the rubble of the building, before she was eventually freed and carried by stretcher with paramedics holding a drip over her head. There were fears other residents of the Springfield Road building would also have been trapped, though rescue workers confirmed only Anne was pinned by rubble.
Speaking to Glasgow Live, Brian Duffy, who lived in the building at the time, told us about the moment he realised what was happening. He recalled: "I remember coming in with the morning rolls, and I sat down with my tea.
"Hearing noises from the loft I thought maybe the workmen were up there, so I went up to have a look and the padlock was on. While I was at the door, the ceiling began to crack down the wall across from me.
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"I went down to the next landing and knocked both doors, by that time the crack had reached the floor below. I ran out of the close to tell the workmen next-door and we all cleared the building, two minutes later it came down."
As soon as the dust settled, Brian made his way to the school across the road to make sure his daughter knew that her family had made it out safely. Had he not been as quick, the collapse could have been a very different situation.
Another man had managed to free himself, and was also taken to hospital. John Cummins, who lived on the nearby Society Street, heard the event unfold: “I heard what I thought was a gas explosion, ran down the street and saw dust rising - the entire gable end had collapsed.”

Firemaster John Jamieson, who was on the scene, said: “She was very badly trapped in an exceptionally dangerous position. The building was still unstable, there were high winds and gas in the air.
“She was in a situation where by removing the wrong brick, the wrong piece of wood, the whole of the remaining debris would have come down on her and the fire-fighters. She was in a very precarious position.”
The following day, the Glasgow Courier told readers that Anne was ‘resting comfortably’ in Glasgow’s Royal Infirmary.