On our first day at a new job, we normally put our phones on silent mode, familiarize ourselves with the role and its responsibilities, and try to connect with our colleagues. But things don't always go according to plan. Some employees, instead of making a good impression, fail so miserably that they convince their bosses that hiring them was a huge mistake. In fact, we found two Reddit threads where people have been sharing what got them or someone they know fired before they even came back home.
I got this. When I was 17 I got a job at Chuck e cheese. I worked the front door and once an hour I had to put on the chucky costume and parade around the place. Here's the deal with those. Kids are d***s. They kept constantly running up to me and hugging me and punching me in the crotch. After about five hours of this I'd had enough. I purposely didn't attach the head to the body. It was supposed to button in to place. So after the 20th or so time being Nut checked I had enough. I backed up, did a stupid little dance. Grabbed my head piece and slowly began to twist it around my head. The kids started to freak. Some screamed, some cried. Parents started protesting. The older kids started laughing. The attendant who was with me fell out in laughter. I thought it was hilarious, however the restaurant manager who hired me didn't think it was that funny. I got ushered out the back door and banned from that particular chuck e cheese. Do I think it was worth it? Hell yes I do

Image credits: anon
His last job, he was driving cars from where they were dropped off to where they were sold at auction. He was driving this really nice BMW sitting at a stop sign at the base of a hill. Semi truck carrying logs loses its brakes and slams him at 50+ mph. He then proceeds to t-bone another car while still getting pushed by the semi. Him t-boning the other guy knocked him out from in front of the semi and into another car which had seen what was happening and slid to a stop. The semi went over the hill and landed in the creek at the base.
He got cut out of the car then airlifted out (along with the driver of the semi and the passenger of the car he t-boned) and when he called his boss (after emergency surgery) the boss fired him. He sued the hell out of the company for wrongful termination and he's been living off the money for 3 years.

Image credits: crushcastles23
They called me and told me I was let go for not showing up on my first day. Which was a surprise for me since at no point after the interview had I been told that I'd been hired.

Image credits: deftss
I was a pizza delivery guy at a family owned Italian restaurant. They brought a guy in to help make pizzas. Two hours into his training he starts talking about wanting to bang the waitresses. The waitresses were the daughters of the owner. The guy teaching him how to make the pizzas was the older brother. He was physically ejected from the building.

Image credits: RockonWeinerdog
Not me...but happened when I was working at McDonald's. New guy came in and when he saw that we were trashing patties if they had been sitting too long, he ate one...then he started just eating them from the supply...dude must have inhaled 10-12 patties over a couple hours after repeatedly being told to stop. Eventually, he started making himself a burger with the buns and eating it as well. Got fired first day on the job.
I'm still convinced he had no real plans of working and just wanted to see how many free burgers he could eat before getting canned.

Image credits: PotatoLatkes
I worked in a pizzeria and there was a new driver who was starting. He took his first delivery and when he can back there were no deliveries up so I told him that in between he would have to do dishes and clean. He replied "That's a woman's work, I don't do women's work". And.....you're fired.

Image credits: Oneironaut3
Janitor job at a hospital, cleaning bathrooms in the patients' rooms. An old lady laying in her bed called me over and said she was born in Germany and she'd learned to speak English but couldn't read it very well. She had a get-well card from someone and asked me to read the poem inside. I did. Someone reported me because I wasn't supposed to "interact with patients." Got fired before lunch.

Image credits: NoxWild
I got hired as an "independent contractor" for some over the phone tech work. Hours were 8am-6pm. Ok, that's perfect. I go in and get acquainted, start taking calls, and hours go by. I'm wondering when I get lunch. News flash. No lunch, no breaks. Independent contractor or not, pretty sure here in the U.S. you gotta give people some breaks and a lunch at some point in a 10 hour shift. Some kinda law about that I feel sure. So I tell my new boss, look, I'm starving, I'm going to get something to eat, I'll be back in an hour. He said if you leave, don't bother coming back. So I left. And never went back.

Image credits: anon
A guy showed up on his first day, went through orientation, then out for beers with his boss and a few others. His boss was talking about his 16 year old girl and the new guy straight face said "Is she hot?"... this was a 24+ year old dude. His first day was his last.

Image credits: stratospaly
New girl stretched her 1 hour lunch break to 2.5 hours on the very first day. She apologized and said she was shopping and the lines were long. We accepted her apology and told her we hoped the unemployment lines were not as long and showed her the door.

Image credits: mungchamp
A teenage kid got fired on his first day of work at the supermarket for eating all the skin off the rotisserie chickens.

Image credits: MrMeeeseeks
My wife got a job at Bob Evans when she was a teenager. Her first customer was an older man, and apparently a regular. The customer ordered a black coffee, so my wife bright him a black coffee. Apparently black coffee meant something totally different to the codger, because he wanted it with two creams and a sugar. His response to this adversity was, unlike a normal person who would ask for what they really want, to throw the cup of coffee at my wife. Her entirely reasonable response was to walk away. Her manager fired her on the spot; apparently she was supposed to ask the guy what was wrong in response to getting the coffee thrown at her.
I think it's for the best that she got out of there.
yup, new kid around 19 or 20 comes in (warehouse job) goes out to buy weed during lunch break, gets busted, turns out he has a warrant out for him, goes to jail, then has the balls to call us to bail him out because he lives with his grandmother and she would get upset.
edit: we didn't bail him out

Image credits: SummerEvening
Not me but a guy I knew.
I work in the Oilfield. New guy comes in on night shift. I tell him to go check the giant oil tank to see how full it is, it's a tank as big as a house. He looks down inside it, and uses HIS F*****G LIGHTER to get light...
Nobody was killed, his job was eliminated for safety reasons.
At orientation, they told the twelve of us that we were the bestest and the brightest of 900 or so interviews they'd conducted. We got our access badges and our corporate Amex cards.
One of the "best and the brightest" went to a high-end men's clothing store on his lunch hour and purchased four thousand dollars worth of suits, ties and shoes.
He came back from lunch and bragged of his exploits. Fired on the spot. He actually thought his Amex card was a job perk. "Can I at least keep the clothes?"

Image credits: MastadonBob
I got a job at a daycare cooking food. I ended up getting strep throat prior to my first day. They fired me after I told them I couldn't come in because I was contagious.

Image credits: Herpbees
My company hired temps for this big job. We didn't have a lot of space, so temps had to double up in cubicles. I did feel very bad for them, but some of their actions were hilarious /terrible.
Our laptops require a password to login before doing anything. It's a gray screen with prompts for the username and password. Pretty simple stuff. One guy had his username and password written on a post-it note. He then spent two hours trying to figure out how to login. He didn't realize he had to press enter. TWO HOURS!
Another guy was chugging along at his task. His cube mate was sneezing or talking or something. His reaction? Slap her. He got escorted out of the building. The next day, he shows up to work again like nothing happened. He was escorted back out and told to please not return.
Most of the temps were nice and did just fine. Some made you wonder if they would ever get a full time gig.

Image credits: DavidBenAkiva
I wasn't fired on the first day, but I saw someone get fired.
I got a job working in a grocery warehouse, driving a forklift in the freezer section. This freezer was supposed to be kept at -20°F, which means they actually kept it a little colder (I once saw it at -46° on a rainy day).
Day one, as I'm getting a brief tour around the place by a rotund middle-management fellow, we see a group emerge from the freezer, one guy in the middle clutching his mouth, tears in his eyes.
Y'know when kids dare each other to stick their tongues onto poles during winter? This guy did that of his own volition, in this incredibly cold room, and had to wait until someone stumbled upon him for rescue.
He was fired on the spot.

Image credits: blank_mind
Νot me but I was working at the time. Ι had worked at a Panera when I wаs in college as a shift supervisor.
Wе were looking for a new prep guy аnd my manager interviewed this guy nаmed Hennessey. (no joke) I told my mаnager I didn't like him and not to hіre him but he did anyway. His first dаy he shows up and we give him some trаining on what to do and he gets to wоrk. After about 4 hours my manager аsks if he can take a minute out to ɡo grab a new box of chips. Out оf nowhere the guy snaps and says "b**ch you don't know me. I'm from the hоod." My manager, without skipping а beat says, "Yea and I'm from mаnagement, leave." Fired him on the spot.
I worked at a summer camp this big country club near my house had as a head counselor. We had the kids all running around this small aerobics room blowing off steam since it was raining outside. The clock in this aerobics room was broken, so we couldn't tell the time. I was told by the camp director to take a specific child to her office at exactly 1 pm so they could be given a medication they needed. So I very quickly pulled out my phone, glanced at the time, and put it away. At the end of the day I was pulled into the directors office and told I was being fired because someone reported they saw me using a phone, and the camp had a strict policy about texting while on the job. No chance to explain myself, I was just told I was fired and to leave. I took off my camp shirt, placed it on her desk, said "Have a nice day", and never looked back. Poetic Justice: That camp went out of business a few months later. A combination of going bankrupt and not being able to find employees.
TL/DR: I got fired for checking the time

Image credits: mikecan314
I was at work one day, met the new guy.
New guy seems normal.
We broke for lunch, came back to my desk. New Guy is missing.
Security shows up looking for New Guy. He's threatened someone's life and they're looking for him.. "WHAT?!"
I get pulled into the office to ask if I'd spoken with him. Turns out dude cut in line for the microwave over lunch... when someone confronted him he threatened their life. Getting all up in his face and pushing him in the shoulder....
Now it's a running joke to tell someone "You wanna take this to the microwave?!" when they say something you don't like. lawl.
Fired. First Day. For cutting in line at the Microwave -.-
I worked as a proofreader for a printing firm that made pay-per-view TV guides. When we were given a file, we scanned it with a wand thingy so that the system would assign it to our employee number with a time stamp. I was called into the manager's office at the end of my first day and let go. I asked if my work was poor and she said, "no, there were no errors." The reason I was being fired is that I was finishing the files too quickly. "We can't bill the client if you finish the file in less than an hour." No one ever told me that we had a (soft) minimum work time.
Basically, I was fired for being too efficient.
A high school friend of mine was hired in a pet shop, he got high during his lunch time and when he came back he had some kind of epiphany or whatever, took a look at the iguanas and other lizards, rats and stuff in their cages and decided that it wasn't right for them to live like this and that they should be set free to live in the wild where they belong so he got them loose and let them free in the wild... streets of the very urban Montreal. Got fired when the manager realized what he did, the manager was absent at the time of my friend's courageous liberation. Most of the animals probably died and got ran over.

Image credits: shadyperson
Super hot girl was hired at Dicks Sporting Goods. She started at 10AM and was fired at 2:30PM along with a guy for banging in the stock room. They both left with smiles on their faces.

Image credits: anon
Put unleaded gas into a diesel truck.

Image credits: anon
Used to work at a factory that made food stuff. Guy I was trained with fell into a big vat of wet ingredients that was about to be heated up. Had I not looked behind me, he would've died.
The boss went to the hospital to tell him he was fired but they were giving him some extra pay in his check.

Image credits: anon
Door to door sales for an Energy company. Had food poisoning.
Pooped my pants in a clients living room.

Image credits: anon
Worked for a logistics company that specialized in transport computers. The guy left the depot on his first day, made his first delivery, went to the petrol station to fill up, left the keys in the cab when he went to pay and returned to nothing more than an empty parking spot and bad work references.

Image credits: anon
I wasn't there but someone who applied for my design job before me apparently just sat there (probably quietly panicking) for half the day and then left at lunch time. Turns out they couldn't actually use any of the software they claimed they could and didn't do anything.
Lots of design jobs give you a little software test first but not all of them.

Image credits: anon
Worked at a Burger King one afternoon when I was 17. About three hours into the shift, a girl I knew from school pulled up to the drive thru window. I ran over to the window and proceeded to lay the mack down on her.
"What's up girl? How you doin? You need the hookup? I got the hookup. You need some napkins? I got napkins."
I must have handed her a stack of a hundred napkins and multiple straws. But sensing that she wasn't impressed by my napkin game, I stepped it up and handed her a toy from the kids menu toy bin. She smiled at me. It was awesome. Seconds later the boss approached me and asked how I was going to pay for the toy I gave away.
"Aren't they a dollar?" I asked.
He then told me to go home. Returned a week later to pick up a paycheck for $14. Then i wound up spending it all while I was still there on chicken nuggets.

Image credits: Shaw-Deez