Musk founded The Boring Company in 2017 with the vision of remaking urban transit. But Boring, which spun out of SpaceX in 2018, isn’t your everyday tunnel maker. That year, Boring created a media sensation when it sold 20,000 flamethrowers. (They were called “not-a-flamethrower.”) So it made sense that Musk would pick Steve Davis, a SpaceX engineer with a penchant for wackiness, to lead Boring. Davis, while working for SpaceX in Washington D.C., missed California style frozen yogurt so he opened his own shop, Mr. Yogato. He sold it for $1 in 2018. He also owned a bar in D.C., called Thomas Foolery, that gave 10% off to anyone who dressed up as Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire. To be clear, Davis is one of Musk’s most trusted advisors and was called upon to lead the reorganization at Twitter. Another longtime Musk lieutenant is Jared Birchall, a former Morgan Stanley banker, who holds positions at several Musk companies, including Boring. We’ve found documents listing Birchall as secretary, director, treasurer and organizer of Boring. Here’s a list of top Boring execs.
Read an updated version of this story here.

Elon Musk
Steve Davis
Davis, who has twin master’s degrees in particle physics and aerospace engineering, was one of Musk’s first employees at SpaceX in 2003. Also spent time at X (formerly Twitter). Considered one of Musk’s fixers/lieutenants.
Arun Prakash
Ashley Steinberg
Head of Legal affairs
Riccardo Biasini
Director of electrical and software engineering
Adam de Jong
Director of construction
Jehn Balajadia
Operations coordinator
Board of execs
Jared Birchall
Secretary, treasurer, director, organizer
Top Musk lieutenant; managing director of Musk’s family office.