At long last, Steffy and Finn have the conversation she needed to have while Ridge stuns Brooke with news of his conversations with Finn and Liam. Things are getting very interesting on The Bold and the Beautiful.
We’re back at Eric’s house and Finn (Tanner Novlan) is begging Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) to forgive him and come home with Kelly and Hayes.
Liam (Scott Clifton) sees a magazine cover with Steffy on it and it reminds him of a time when he told Steffy that being a dad and husband was the favorite part of his life. And now that he’s lost that, there’s no question he wants it back.
At Forrester Creations, Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) and Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) share a kiss. “One kiss and all my troubles melt away,” Ridge tells her. She thought he could use a little pick me up after seeing Finn. He can’t believe someone as smart as Finn could be so reckless with Kelly. What happened to cause a change like that in him? Brooke agrees that what happened was awful but at least Kelly is ok. Ridge points out that it’s all due to Sheila, and Brooke agrees. However, when Ridge tells her that Finn believes Liam is the problem, a look crosses her expression. Because she knows —through Hope — that could be the case.
Wyatt (Darin Brooks) finds Liam in the office and is stunned to find out that Finn paid him a visit. Things are escalating quickly, he realizes.
Finn wants to work on their issues at home. He’ll never let Sheila near them. He just needs her to come home so they can be a family again.
Brooke acts shocked that Finn is blaming Liam for all of the problems in his marriage. Ridge understands, but after going to talk to Liam he sees a lot more of the big picture. Brooke thinks Finn is upset with Liam because he’s the one who showed Steffy the video from the courthouse and Ridge agrees that’s part of it, but Liam also admitted to him that he’s in love with Steffy.

Wyatt can’t believe that Finn told Liam to stay away from Steffy. He’s surprised it didn’t come to blows between the two of them. Liam laughs that it almost did. But mostly it was Finn telling him to stay away.
Finn keeps begging Steffy to let him come back. He’ll pack up the kids and hire more security than Fort Knox. He’ll never see Sheila again. All he wants is for them to come home.
Brooke can’t believe Liam is still in love with Steffy — and that he admitted it. Ridge doesn’t think he’s trying to get in the middle of their marriage, but he still loves her. He knows this must be hard for Brooke to hear because of Hope, but he loves her without a doubt.
Liam tells Wyatt that he’ll always have a connection to Steffy because of their daughter. He admitted that his feelings for Steffy are very strong, and so too are his feelings for Hope, but his big mistake was letting Steffy go.
Steffy tells Finn that she hears him. This is a very difficult situation for her because she’s haunted by thoughts of what could have happened to Kelly. And she’s alive because of Sheila. Sheila has been a thorn in her side since their marriage, and now this proves that she’ll be there forever because she’s connected to Finn. She can’t take Finn back and she can’t return to their house. She won’t.
Ridge knows Brooke is worried about her daughter and he’s worried about his daughter as they struggle in their marriages. Brooke wants Hope and Liam to work through their issues, and now she’s realizing that Hope was right about how Liam was always in love with Steffy. Together, he says, they can do anything. He thinks back to seeing her through the keyhole in Rome and how it changed his life. They share a passionate kiss.
Meanwhile, Liam is having a flashback of his own, thinking about how he told Steffy he’d never make the mistake of letting her go again.
Steffy thinks back to the moment when Kelly tells her about what happened at the beach. She’s haunted by it. She’s haunted by Liam telling her that she can’t count on Finn keeping her safe.
Back home, Finn looks at the empty house and reflects upon all of the things he’s lost.
Steffy stares into the room and thinks about what she’s lost and how she needs to figure things out.

It’s funny that Ridge mentions finding Brooke in Rome when the love of his life had been in front of him the whole time. Now that he and Brooke have a full picture of what’s going on between Finn, Steffy, Liam and Hope, it could pave the way for reconciliation.
At the end of the day, Ridge and Brooke both believe Steffy and Hope’s marriages can be saved. Ridge thinks Steffy loves Finn, and he loves her. And though they’ve signed the divorce papers, Brooke still believes Hope loves Liam and doesn’t want the marriage to end — even if she can’t see it yet.
Perhaps this is the moment when Ridge and Brooke step in and use their experience to help save their kids’ marriages. Yes, there will be collateral damage; Hope doesn’t seem to be Team Thomas anymore. Maybe cooler heads have prevailed and Hope just needed a breather from her marriage — and to be proved right by Liam’s admission that he loves Steffy.
Can these marriages be saved? Is this the moment for a double wedding reconciliation? Only time will tell!
The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS and the following day on Paramount Plus. Check your local listings to see when it comes on where you are.