Now that Katie has shared the reason for firing Electra on The Bold and the Beautiful with Ivy, Will, Hope and Carter, will she be forced to admit that she made a huge mistake?
Let’s face it, soaps are fantasy and the employees of Forrester Creations have committed no fewer than a bajillion human resources violations over the years. Somehow we’ve never met their HR team, but Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor) is a lawyer and he doesn’t seem very concerned about HR violations, either. (Sidenote: the easiest and cleanest way to get revenge for Hope would have been for him to sue the company for wrongful termination, but that’s a story for another day)
With the fantasy aspect in mind, let’s look at this situation with Electra (Laneya Grace). Katie (Heather Tom) received the email full of lewd photos from Remy (Christian Weissman) and showed them to Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang). They decided to fire her in order to protect Forrester Creations’ reputation, but when they fired her they didn’t give her a reason for her dismissal.
As soon as Katie showed the photos to Hope (Annika Noelle), Carter, Will (Crew Morrow) and Ivy (Ashleigh Brewer), Will told her the photos were deepfakes. Now Katie is in a very difficult position (real-life HR policies aside): Katie has to admit that she fired Electra without discussing the situation with her. If she’d only stopped and asked questions, she would have learned about Electra’s stalker and Electra would still have her job.
This is a real pickle for Katie, because now Electra is in terrible danger thanks to Remy. If Katie had alerted Electra to the photos (instead of assuming the worst), then Electra could have been on guard and been more alert, not that it would save her from Remy but at least she’d have a fighting chance.
We have a feeling that Katie is going to seriously regret her decision to fire Electra without letting her know why. Now that the secret is out in the open, there’s no denying that withholding the information may have put Electra’s life in danger and that’s going to come back to haunt her.
The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS and the following day on Paramount Plus. Check your local listings to see when it comes on where you are.