We pick up where we left off yesterday on The Bold and the Beautiful, with Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and Hope (Annika Noelle) having a very tense conversation about Hope’s relationship with Thomas. Hope wants Steffy to understand that they’re together, but Steffy isn’t backing down.
Adding insult to injury, Thomas (Matthew Atkinson) walks into the office to find Taylor (Krista Allen) talking to Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) and Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) about his relationship. It’s very awkward, and Taylor wishes she could support his relationship with Hope but she can’t. He assures her that he’s enjoying his time with Hope even though his mother calls it “a mistake.”
Deacon (Sean Kanan) comes home to find that Sheila (Kimberlin Brown) redecorated his place. She’s in her work uniform and he praises her restraint after Li put her face in a bowl of pasta. She doesn’t want to put him in a bad position with his restaurant, especially now that they’re engaged.
Thomas cracks a joke about how Steffy came back and is in talking to Hope, and back in the design office Steffy is telling Hope how much she’s changed. Hope says she’s putting herself first now, and since she’s in control she’s making the decision to be with Thomas and “he’s there [for her.]”
Brooke is furious that Steffy is attacking her daughter. Ridge stops them all from arguing, pointing out that Sheila is still on the loose. Taylor didn’t know Sheila was working. She ducks out before they can get into a bigger argument.
Deacon asks if Sheila has told anyone that they’re engaged. He’s worried that his relationship with Hope is almost completely ruined.
Hope says she’s having fun with Thomas. Steffy believes that she’s abusing her brother and taking advantage of his attraction to her, like “a sex toy.” When Steffy says Hope is falling for it, Hope accuses her of being the person that her husband is infatuated with. Hope says that her relationship with Thomas isn’t hurting anyone and she’s in control of her life now. She won’t be the victim anymore. She likes being with Thomas. She likes her new life. She likes it “a lot.”

Steffy doesn’t believe that Hope is over her marriage, and Hope says she was left with no choice because Liam didn’t think their marriage was worth saving. So right now she’s “living in the moment” with Thomas. Steffy asks if she’s ok with becoming her mother, and Hope is ok with that.
Brooke apologizes to Ridge when he’s dealing with so much. Ridge knows that time is precious, and he can’t even tell his kids about it. Brooke hasn’t told anyone yet, either. Ridge says they’ll do what Eric asks and see how long he can come into the office. Brooke tells him that she’s there and she won’t leave him. Ridge appreciates it.
Sheila says that everyone is talking now, especially since Steffy’s meeting with her. She’s concerned that he’ll lose his connection to Hope and urges him to keep his faith. There’s a knock at the door and Deacon thinks it’s his manager, but it’s Taylor, who barges in and demands to know what’s wrong with them.
Hope is glad Steffy is home but she wants to get back to work. Steffy wants to know about Deacon and Sheila and asks if Hope tried talking to home. Hope can’t understand it. Steffy doesn’t believe they can
Taylor says she had to leave town because Steffy had to leave to get away from her. Sheila says that they don’t have to worry about her anymore. Sheila says she was always looking for acceptance and she’s finally found it with Deacon. They understand each other. They play to Taylor’s role as a psychiatrist and how they had a relationship in the past, which changed when Sheila tried to kill Taylor’s daughter. “I know who you are at your core,” Taylor says. She tells Sheila that she doesn’t deserve redemption, and that her “day of reckoning” will come when she will pay for what she’s done.
Brooke consoles Ridge, who talks about how losing parents is part of life. But with Eric, he’s larger than life and made Ridge everything he is. Brooke tells him that he can lean on her and she will be there for him. “We’ll do it the way we always have. With each other,” she says. They share a kiss and a hug as tears run down Ridge’s cheeks.

What are Sheila’s options? Can she really stay in Los Angeles when so many people want her gone?
In truth, she could go back to Genoa City and wreak havoc there. She could find another place to live. Finding another place to go isn’t the real issue; in fact, leaving town and starting a new life would make things easier for her. But would Deacon follow her and give up his life in LA?
Ridge, Brooke, Hope, Li, Finn, Steffy and now Taylor have all expressed how much they want Sheila gone. They’ve stood in Deacon’s home and told her exactly that, to her face. Steffy even punched her in the face. Is it enough to send her packing?
To be clear, Sheila isn’t the type to back down from a fight, even if she is cornered. She might not like it, but she’ll tolerate it because she really wants to get what she wants, namely Finn.
Though she’s likely still plotting to get Finn back into her life, Sheila really seems to be in love with Deacon and she won’t want to leave him behind, which means she’s probably going to stay put for now to see how this plays out.
The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS and the following day on Paramount Plus. Check your local listings to see when it comes on where you are.