Deacon and Finn found Sheila in the abandoned building in The Bold and the Beautiful, but they made a huge mistake when they rescued her, and it could come back to haunt them later.
There was no mistaking Deacon (Sean Kanan) and Finn’s (Tanner Novlan) relief and joy upon finding Sheila (Kimberlin Brown) alive in the vacant building next to the store where she’d last been seen alive.
But upon finding her, they made several mistakes that could haunt them. Most notably: they didn’t call the police immediately.
Sure, their cell phones don't have reception in the old building, but they can hear sirens and a helicopter outside, so surely they could have gone outside to make a call and then returned to where they found her.
This is going to be a problem for a number of reasons. At the moment, Sheila Carter is "dead" to the world, so how will they get her into the hospital without raising a lot of questions? On the other hand, the police will want to know that it wasn’t Sheila trying to attack Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood). They need to clear her name so she’s not blamed for what happened.
Without the police involved, Deacon and Finn will have to answer to Steffy and the rest of the family as to how they found her. This will no doubt cause tension between Finn and Steffy, who will likely say that she wishes he would have left her for dead.
At least having the police involved would have corroborated their story that she’s been chained up this whole time. Deacon and Finn destroyed evidence left and right, and while Sugar is clearly dead and gone, Sheila will never be "free" unless the police can confirm that she’s been a prisoner.
Hopefully, Deacon and Finn will make the call to the police as soon as they’re outside. At this point, they’ve contaminated the crime scene but at least the police will be able to see that Sheila has been locked away and wasn’t the one who tried to attack Steffy.
The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS and the following day on Paramount Plus. Check your local listings to see when it comes on where you are.