Finn tries to reconcile his feelings for Sheila and Steffy while Deacon talks to Hope about losing Sheila. Here’s The Bold and the Beautiful recap for March 6, 2024.
Li (Naomi Matsuda) begs her son Finn (Tanner Novlan) to stop thinking about Sheila as his mother. “Sheila gave you nothing but pain and heartache,” she tells him, reminding him to be grateful that his wife is alive. She warns him not to do anything foolish so he doesn’t lose Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood).
Steffy thanks Liam (Scott Clifton) for being there for her and watching Kelly while she gets over this ordeal. She can’t believe she killed someone; he points out that she was ambushed and had no choice. Liam sees that Finn is “having a moment” but he needs to get over this and be here to comfort her.
Deacon (Sean Kanan) arrives home to an empty house. He pours himself a drink and thinks back to the morgue. Hope (Annika Noelle) shows up to see how he’s doing. She heard he went to the morgue and thought he might need some company. He says Sheila (Kimberlin Brown) meant something to him and he had to see her, so he could see her and say goodbye one last time.
Li tells Finn to let Sheila go. Finn says he wouldn’t exist if not for Sheila. Li is thankful that Sheila gave birth to him, but she doesn’t know how he can feel so close to her. He calls Sheila his “roots” and he says he’s talked to Steffy about how he’s struggling to deal with Steffy being the one who killed her.
Liam wants to know why Finn isn’t there to comfort her. Steffy is trying to understand things from his perspective. “We’ve survived so many things. We can survive this,” she says.
Deacon knows Hope must think he’s crazy that he’s mourning Sheila. Hope admits she didn’t like Sheila but she loves her father and wants to be there for him. He says he realizes that Hope and her kids are the only people he has in this world and he has to thank her for that. Hope says it felt like he was choosing Sheila over her. He says he feels like the only person who’s mourning Sheila, but Hope points out that Finn is mourning her, too.
Li reminds Finn that Sheila broke into Steffy’s home. If she’d listened to Finn the way he asked and stayed away from Steffy, she never would have died. When Li hears that Finn slept at the hospital instead of at home, she warns him that he needs to get his head on straight or he’s going to lose her.
Steffy tells Liam that her love for Finn is stronger when they’re together. They’re stronger together. Liam gives her credit for being so understanding. He says Finn has a duty to put Steffy and the kids at the front of his agenda. So while Finn is trying to figure things out, Liam says he’ll be there for her no matter what. “You can always count on me,” he says.
Hope was shocked when she saw Finn there the day she came to tell Deacon about Sheila. Deacon had no idea Finn felt so strongly about Sheila. He says it’s ironic that all Sheila ever wanted was to have Finn’s love and now she’s not there to see it.

Finn, alone in his office, thinks back to his conversation with Steffy. Liam walks in and Finn tells him he’s not in the mood. Liam knows all about what happened at the house. Liam says he’d think Finn would be there for Steffy. Finn asks if he has a right to “process” what happened. Liam doesn’t understand it. Is he processing the death of his “psychopathic mother” or the fact he left his wife alone to deal with it.
Steffy is in the office at Forrester Creations when Hope walks in. They’re surprised to see each other. Hope is so sorry for everything Steffy went through. Steffy tearfully admits she can’t get Sheila out of her head and Hope knows it must have been so traumatizing to know she had to kill someone.
Liam tells Finn that he was just with Steffy, which doesn’t surprise Finn at all. Liam reminds him that she’s his daughter’s mother and he wants Finn to know that he’s being “disloyal” when he calls Sheila his mother. Liam says Finn has no idea how lucky he is that Steffy is trying to be understanding about his feelings. Steffy, Liam says, was trying to protect herself from Sheila. Finn is lying to himself when it comes to defending Sheila over Steffy. Liam says Steffy isn’t alone because she has him. “I’m the man she’s going to start turning to,” Liam says.
Steffy gets defensive about what happened. Hope says she can’t begin to understand what it was like to take a life. Steffy tells Hope that she didn’t have a choice but it was a matter of survival. Steffy thinks she’s getting a “weird vibe” from Hope, and Hope says she has just as many reasons to be upset at Sheila. Hope says she knows this is a heavy burden to bear. She mentions Deacon and knows it’s a sore spot, but Hope tells Steffy not to hold things against Finn. “Finn is a good man,” she tells Steffy, asking her to give him time and space to grieve because he’s in a very vulnerable place. “Steffy, please don’t let Sheila’s death interfere with your marriage,” Hope says. Steffy doesn’t seem convinced.
The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS and the following day on Paramount Plus. Check your local listings to see when it comes on where you are.