Finn tries to track down Steffy in The Bold and the Beautiful recap for August 30, 2024.
We wrap up this week at the apartment, where Luna (Lisa Yamada) is demanding that Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) drink some water. Steffy thinks she wants to drug her again, so she cries for help. Luna reminds her no one can hear her, laughing as she leaves for some more quality time with Bill.
Meanwhile, Finn (Tanner Novlan) is in his office. He gets a call from Monte Carlo. Steffy never made it there.
At Forrester Creations, RJ (Joshua Hoffman) asks Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) where Steffy went. Ridge has no idea, and he's frustrated that no one knows where she is. As a CEO and parent, you can't just walk away. RJ understands his father's frustration. When RJ walks away, Ridge realizes he's upset about Luna. RJ admits he's worried about her.
Bill (Don Diamont) brings Luna some tea. She thanks him again for allowing her to stay with him. He reminds her he vowed to care for her no matter what the paternity tests say. He was the father she always wanted, but now she knows her real father is dead because someone wanted him dead.
Finn's contact in Monte Carlo says Steffy never showed up at the exhibition, which makes him even more concerned for his wife's well-being. Back in Luna's apartment, Steffy is screaming for help, but no one is there to hear her.
Luna reveals she went to visit Poppy in jail. It was scary and she wasn't allowed to hug her. Bill feels bad she had to experience that. He tells Luna he also visited Poppy, he can't believe she did such horrible things. Luna can't believe it, either, but she can't deny the evidence stacked up against her mother. She prays for it to be someone else. Luna doesn't know how she'd ever be able to forgive her mother for killing her father. She hugs Bill before telling him she's going up to her bedroom.
Ridge is surprised RJ hasn't seen Luna much, but she isn't coming into the office. Ridge would have thought Luna would need to lean on her boyfriend in her time of need, but RJ doesn't think he's her go-to confidant anymore. Bill is.
Bill greets Finn, who is there hoping to find some clues as to Steffy's whereabouts. Bill knows Steffy needs some time to cool off. Finn says Bill and Liam might have been the last people to see Steffy before she disappeared.
In her cage, Steffy is close to passing out. She hasn't eaten in days and she's losing hope.

Ridge doesn't understand why Luna would be leaning on Bill for support. RJ understands, given that they're both going through the same experience and until recently they thought they were related. Even Ridge, who has no love for Bill, feels bad for him. He still thinks RJ should be there for Luna, though. He asks his son what happened, because they were so close. RJ just wants to be there for her, but all he's getting from her is that she needs to be with Bill. Ridge can't make sense of it, because Bill isn't the "needy" type. Ridge wants to know why Luna is still living with Bill, and RJ admits he doesn't know who Luna is anymore.
Finn asks Bill if Steffy said anything before she left. Bill says Steffy was upset about the kiss with Hope. Finn admits he has messed up before but this is different. She hasn't responded to any calls or texts in the last several days. Their conversation is interrupted by Luna, who comes downstairs to ask Bill if he wants to go for a swim. She's surprised to see Finn there. When he says he's worried about Steffy, Luna says she's sure Steffy is fine. Finn is puzzled by Luna's presence, but Bill says he's there to support her in her time of need. Luna asks Bill for help with the television in her room so they leave, but Bill tells Finn to stick around so they can keep talking.
RJ appreciates his father is worried about Steffy. Ridge admits he can be slightly overprotective, laughing when RJ reminds him of how Ridge kept texting him when he was travelling. RJ says he's been calling and texting Steffy, and he wonders if his father talked to Finn yet. Ridge thinks if anyone is going to find Steffy, it's Finn.
Finn looks around Bill's living room. He sees photos of Liam and Steffy. He tries calling her again.
Steffy, alone in her cage, cries for Finn. She doesn't want their story to end like this. They have always found each other. We see moments from their past, from their reunions to their wedding and the birth of their son. They always find each other, and she's counting on him to find her again. "Finn, help me," she sobs.
Finn knows something is horribly wrong. "I'm coming, Steffy," he says.
The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS and the following day on Paramount Plus. Check your local listings to see when it comes on where you are.