Looking back over the best Game Boy Color games really drives home just how many fantastic experiences came to Nintendo's iconic handheld. And thanks to the Nintendo Switch Online virtual console, there lots of gems you can rediscover or try out for the first time on modern hardware.
With the Game Boy Color ushering in, as the name gives away, a world of different colorful adventures on-the-go, many of the best Game Boy games that were originally brought to life on the greyscale screen of the Color's predecessor got memorably vibrant follow-ups. With some of the best platformers find a home on console, we saw some of the most beloved installments in the biggest series - - like Pokemon - come to the Game Boy Color.
First released in 1998, the handheld was officially discontinued in 2003, but it saw over 500 games arrive over the course of five years, which means there's no shortage of wonder games to play on the system. Whether you're looking for a trip down memory lane, or you want to discover some of the highlights for yourself, here's our pick of the 10 best Game Boy Color games of all-time.
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The 10 best Game Boy Color games ever are...
10. Mr. Driller

Developer: Namco
Released: 2000
The concept behind Mr Driller sounds like a Hollywood pitch: it's Tetris meets Boulder Dash! The game's titular star is trapped in a world covered with mysterious blocks. Fortunately, as his name unsubtly suggests, he possesses a powerful drill and can dig his way to a fresh air supply.
Converted from its own arcade game, Mr Driller is a challenging game that requires quick wits and reactions and helps confirm that the Game Boy Color is no less blessed with puzzle games than its illustrious predecessor.
For more on this series, read our Mr Driller Drill Spirits review.
9. Donkey Kong Country

Developer: Rare
Released: 2000
Rare took on the challenge of converting its own Super Nintendo hit to the Game Boy Color and did an amazing job of squeezing the stunning platformer into the handheld. As with the original, Donkey Kong is on a mission to retrieve his stolen banana stash, battling the alliterative hordes of King K. Rool, such as Kritters and Krushas.
While visual clarity is inevitably sacrificed, most of the gameplay survives, and there's even a bonus level entitled Necky Nutmare. Overall, an incredible technical achievement and the finest banana-collecting game on the Game Boy Color.
After you play this Game Boy Color classic, check out its sequel with our Donkey Kong Country Returns review.
8. Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal

Developer: Game Freak
Released: 2001
Unfairly maligned at the time as a simple upgrade, the Game Boy Color's three Pokemon games subtly yet effectively introduce several noteworthy fresh elements. Top of the list of additions is the arrival of Pokemon breeding and a day/night cycle that means that some Pokemon can only be discovered at certain times.
Combined with a range of other complimentary embellishments and the by-now familiar RPG experience, it adds up to so much more than a by-the-numbers update. In fact, this gen is now considered among the best Pokemon games of all time.
7. Super Mario Bros Deluxe

Developer: Nintendo
Released: 1999
It's a testament to the original NES game's perfectly refined gameplay that, essentially, the same game should generate another celebrated release 14 years later. Of course, there is more to Super Mario Bros Deluxe; this is Nintendo, after all. In addition to the almost-perfect replication of one of the best Mario games, there's a challenge mode where the player collects red coins and Yoshi eggs.
There's The Lost Levels and two race modes, one versus the Game Boy Color, and the other against a human opponent. When mixed in with the Toy Box bonus features and the delightfully sweet Super Mario Bros gameplay, it's an excellent value-for-money package.
For more Mario fun, read our New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe review.
6. Wario Land 3

Developer: Nintendo
Released: 2000
Mario's gurning alter ego returned for a third outing in 2000, bringing with it the similar yet different gameplay of the series. Having crashed his biplane, Wario discovers a mysterious music box. Pulled into its world, he approaches a dark figure who offers to return him to his world – once he's found a set of five missing music boxes.
Wario Land 3 has an incredibly flexible level design, with Wario constantly required to re-explore areas with a newfound ability, such as swimming. A superb alternative for anyone bored of the relentless platform games on the GBC.
5. Mario Tennis

Developer: Camelot Software Planning
Released: 2000
Released shortly after the Nintendo 64 game of the same name, the Game Boy Color does a splendid job of recreating the excitement of tennis. You can participate in an exhibition match from the main menu or select an RPG-type game where leveling up is achieved through practice drills and matches.
Want a break from the game? There are plenty of areas around the courts to explore, and for a real challenge, Mario Tennis supports the link cable, enabling human players to battle against each other. Ridiculously fun and as delicious as a punnet of fresh strawberries and cream.
Mario Tennis is one of the best sports games around, and you can learn more about the series in our Mario Tennis Aces review.
4. Shantae

Developer: Wayforward Technologies
Released: 2002
This wonderful platform adventure was released at the end of the Game Boy Color's life and a year after the arrival of the handheld's successor, the Game Boy Advance. As such, it flew under the radar at the time, a shame for such a marvelously polished game.
In truth, Shantae offers very little innovation in terms of gameplay, but it is put together with such panache, style, and verve that it's impossible not to love. And indeed, there is no Game Boy Color game as beautiful as Shantae.
After playing this classic, dive into its sequel with our Shantae: Risky's Revenge review.
3. Dragon Warrior 3

Developer: Chunsoft
Released: 2001
This glorious RPG boasts a snaking plot full of twists and turns hidden behind its familiar tale of good heroes versus evil enemies. Away from the storyline, Dragon Warrior III is a traditional role-playing game with plenty of characters, skills, items, and spells to discover.
A hugely interactive world, minigames, new monsters, and dungeons are also included, conjuring up a remarkable game that every Game Boy fan should play.
For more recommendations, check out our list of the best JRPGs and the best anime games to play today.
2. The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Ages/Seasons

Developer: Capcom
Released: 2001
This dual release for the Game Boy Color ensured the legend continued adeptly on the Nintendo handheld range. The Sorceress Of Shadows has stolen the Oracle of Ages and is using it to spread evil across Labyrnna. In the other game, Onox, General Of Darkness, is up to something similar, having imprisoned the Oracle Of Seasons, causing the slow demise of the land of Holodrum.
The USP is the dynamic between the two games: beat one game, and you get a password, which then conspicuously alters the experience with the next one. The changing seasons of Oracle Of Seasons are particularly pleasing, but there's plenty to enjoy in what are undoubtedly two of the best Zelda games of the handheld era.
Read our The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Seasons retrospective for more details!
1. Metal Gear Solid

Developer: Konami
Released: 2000
Sharing the name of the PlayStation game, this is an unrelated, separate story from the main series. The gruff Solid Snake is called out of retirement to battle a terrorist menace that has appropriated the secret Metal Gear prototype mech weapon. The gameplay will seem familiar to fans of both the Sony game and the original series.
Snake stalks across various scenes, using gadgets, weapons, or fists to take down guards or sneak past them unnoticed silently. Featuring all the twists and betrayals for which the Metal Gear games have become renowned, Metal Gear Solid also offers an extreme assortment of bonus content once the main game has been beaten. One of the greatest spin-offs of all time, on any format.
For more on Nintendo, read our lists of all the upcoming Switch games on the way, and the best Switch exclusives to play today.