The Batman hits cinemas today, and director Matt Reeves has given huge praise to Glasgow after shooting the film here.
Robert Pattinson is the latest actor to take on the role of Bruce Wayne, as many famous faces have played the caped crusader - from George Clooney to Christian Bale.
The Batman films in many iconic Glasgow locations, and many fans even speculated that Batman’s famous Batcave lair may even be located “under” the city’s graveyard.

Other locations include around Glasgow Cathedral and Glasgow Royal Infirmary. And Hartwood Psychiatric Hospital in Shotts will double up as Gotham’s orphanage.
Like many other productions, The Batman faced huge difficulties due to the coronavirus pandemic, seeing the release pushed back many times.
In an interview with BBC Scotland's The Edit, director Matt Reeves heaped praise on Glasgow.
He also hinted that the franchise could make a return to the city as its a stellar filming location.
"One of the things that was really important, I wanted this to feel like a Gothic American city, but one that you'd never been to," the director said.

"And so the way to do that was to choose beautiful Gothic architecture and so we went to Glasgow and honestly it was so beautiful, I wish we could've filmed there more.
"I really think it's a very special Gotham, I mean what a special place."
Reeves said the movie echoed the same eeriness as the original comic book Batman written and created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger.
"It's not just the criminal element that's afraid of him, the city's inhabitants are afraid of Batman and so something about that brought out the sort of Bob Kane, Bill Finger kind of vibe of this kind of eerie vigilante that comes out of the shadows.
"So the movie is sort of a crime thriller on top of being everything that you would expect a Batman movie to be."
And asked if Glasgow should expect The Batman to return for more filming, he said: "Get ready yes, it could very well be that we'll be coming back to your neighbourhood soon."
The latest actor to take on the caped crusader, Robert Pattinson, praised the city earlier this year and called Glasgow the 'unofficial' Gotham City.
Robert said: “It’s not at all surprising to me that Glasgow has become a sort of unofficial Gotham City. When you think of Gotham you think of a wonderfully Gothic city – and that’s why Glasgow works so well.”
He said: “The architecture in Glasgow is incredible – it has that real 19th century feel to it hence why it makes for a brilliant Gotham. George Square is my favourite part of the city – there is so much wonderful architecture on view from one central location.”
The Batman is released in cinemas across the UK from today.
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