Another day, another Bachelors recap and this episode has truly solidified 2023 as one of the most romantic seasons of all time. Osher Günsberg was right.
Welcome back! The last couple of episodes have been quite a doozy with Bachies Ben, Wesley and Luke. We’ve had love triangles, love letters, flower deliveries and dumpings.
To give you a quick recap on last night’s episode: Amelia was upset after Angela had flowers delivered to Ben during their one-on-one date. Jade‘s feelings for Wes have changed after he revealed that he would only move in with his partner after marriage and Anastasia dumped Ben during the group date after he ignored her and her friend. Also, there was a triple elimination.

Anyways, let’s get right into Episode Seven of Season 11. Yahoooooo!
Jade, Ellie, McKenna and I think Caitlin (?) began this episode with a cute little yoga date. “Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit,” as one said.
During their yoga me-time, Jade shared Wes’ bombshell from last episode’s dinner party. The bombshell was basically Wes telling the Bachies and Jade that he would only move in with his partner after marriage.
When Ellie asked Jade if it was a “deal breaker” to wait until marriage, to which she replied, “it might be”. I mean.. this was her reaction to Wes’ stance on not moving in.
I low-key think she’s donezo.

Benny boy — the Bachie who seems to be in the middle of all the drama this season — woke up to reflect on all the dramatics from last night’s episode.
To give you a quick recap: during his one-on-one date with Amelia, Ben received a massive bouquet from Angela which he placed in front of her. Ange’s stunt really pissed off Amelia; so much that she left the date for a second. The one-on-one date ended with Amelia giving Ben an ultimatum, saying she would leave if Ben continued exploring his connection with Ange.
She went as far as to call it an act of “betrayal” if Ben still kept ties to with Ange. Keep in mind that this is only Week Two.
To try and to sort the unruly ultimatum out, Ben invited Amelia for a quick coffee.

During their mini coffee date, Amelia made it clear that she was still upset over the flower debacle and was still quite angry that Ben was OK with it.
Ben described her reaction to the whole kerfuffle as a “red flag”. No offence to her and her feelings but I think so too.
It’s time for single dates, and this time Maddison will be joining Bachie Ben. Hopefully, there will be no deliveries or crashing at this shindig.
Ben took Maddi to some sort of aerial acrobatics class. Things got a bit sexual between the pair when they started moaning during the stretches and then it got awkward when Maddi accidentally tickled Ben’s crotch-a-doodle-doo with her hair.

Back at the mansion, Brea got a huge surprise after a fancy-dressed man knocked on the door. Yep, you guessed it. She is Wes’ single date for this episode and this mysterious man will be escorting her to the date.
At this point, just send everyone who’s gunning for Wes home, ‘cos he is hung up on Brea.
During a confessional, Wes’ revealed that the date was inspired by Pretty Woman. The date began with Brea nabbing a private room at the Hilton, a hot bath and a red ball gown paired with gloves and heels.
Yep, just send everyone home.

For our lumberjack hottie Luke, Lana was his single date in this episode. This is the pair’s second single date together and they’re honestly quite cute. I still ship him with Aarthi, but anyways.
Instead of Luke’s golden dad jokes, we’re being treated to an actual comedian who completely shat on Channel Ten’s decision to turn The Bachelor into The Bachelors.

Things between Wes and Brea got more rom-com as the Brazilian-born Bachie carried his date bridal style into a lavish restaurant.

Throughout the date, Wes seemed to be falling harder for Brea as he said he would “reconsider” things for her. Could this mean sex or perhaps his stance on moving in? Only time will tell, but I can say he’s smitten like a kitten.
The pair made their way back to Brea’s hotel to have some wine and a deep chat about the meaning of love. The date ended with a slow dance in Brea’s hotel room.
Lana and Luke went back to his Bachie pad where they argued about who was the lucky person in their relo. He then surprised Lana with his special banofee pie recipe and finished the date by sucking face.

For the group date, the lads brought the girls to a truffle farm for a cheeky lunch in the paddock.
On this group date, Ben invited Amelia, Angela and Mckenna. Of course, chaos slowly unfolded with Ange and Amelia’s FlowerGate beef, with Amelia throwing dismissive responses to Ange’s answers to Ben’s questions.

Shit got extra awkies when Ben realised that the table was decorated with flowers that were similar to Ange’s delivery. When Ben moved the centrepieces to make space for him and Amelia, she said, “Oh, you moved the flowers. Cute.”

Forget Pash City, it’s Petty City now.
There was some back and forth throughout the confessionals and the actual date. It’s just so tiring and toxic like, babes, let it go. To escape FlowerGate, Ben pulled Mckenna for a private chat about anything else.
Anyways, back to our other Bachies. Wes invited Nella, Natalie and Jade. During the group date, Jade was reflecting on Wes’ revelation about moving in and what it meant for her.

Wes noticed that Jade was checked out from the date so he pulled her for a private chat. During their conversation, Jade admitted to Wes that his stance on not moving in was on her mind. She went on to say that her connection with the Bachie was “up in the air”. If you were wondering who Luke brought on the date it was Lana, Ellie and Aarthi.
It’s Osher — Thanos of Bachelors universe — Günsberg time and someone is going home.
Unfortunately, Season 11’s rose ceremonies have been CHAOS. This time, the elimination process was disrupted after Jade asked Wes for a private chat in the middle of him giving out his roses.

In their private chat, Jade revealed that she would be leaving the show due to their differences when it comes to the future of their relationship.
This is the second time Wes has been dumped on The Bachelors. Again, he took it like a champ and laughed it off.

In the end, both Amelia and Mckenna receive a rose from Ben, therefore, FlowerGate drama will be continued throughout the show.
Also, according to the episode previews, it looks like Amelia will be replacing Lisa as this season’s villain.
No one will ever recreate Lisa’s iconicness. The German-born baddie is irreplaceable and should be the next Bachelorette.

Channel Ten Gods, if you’re reading this, you know what to do next year.
Catch The Bachelors on Channel Ten at 7.30pm Sunday to Wednesday. You can also stream episodes on 10Play.
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