With autumn colors fading on the trails, anyone with a sense of outdoor adventure is thinking ahead to crisp, snowy escapades. It's time to start readying your outdoor gear for winter, and footwear brand Hoka has taken some of the work out of that for you with the drop of a winter-ready version of their hugely popular Kaha 2 hiking boot.
The Hoka Kaha 2 Frost builds upon the success of its predecessor, keeping the best features like the ultra ultra-grippy Vibram Megagrip outsole for slushy trails, the cushy midsole with HUBBLE heel and SwallowTail geometry for stability and comfort on long treks and a 70 percent recycled Gore-Tex membrane to keep your feet dry on soggy days.
What the Frost brings to the table is serious protection against bitterly cold temperatures. Thanks to 400 grams of insulation plus the addition of aluminum reflective foil in the sock liner bottom – which acts just like an emergency blanket for your foot – this boot says it's built to withstand temperatures as low as -32°C/-25°F.

Making matters easier when you're out on frozen trails, a generously sized pull tab means you can get these boots on without fumbling even when you're wearing your thickest hiking gloves.
If you're planning on spending time in cold weather this winter but don't need quite this much rugged protection (think, sitting around a log fire in a mountain cabin), don't forget that this model comes in addition to the cozy Hoka Kaha 2 Frost Moc GTX camp shoes which are more like a sleeping bag than an emergency blanket. Together, the two styles round out an impressive gesture from the California-based brand to move well beyond trail running.
The Hoka Kaha Frost is available now for $280 in men's sizing in Honey Wheat and Black colorways and in women's sizing in Quartzite/Cosmic Pearl and Oat/sesame colorways.
Meanwhile, if you're not facing seriously frigid temperatures, Hoka has slashed the price on the regular Hoka Kaha 2 GTX from $240 down to just $167.99. Not in the US? Here are the best deals on the Hoka Kaha 2 GTX near you: