Handmaid’s Tale
Children of Men
“There could be a number of factors at play, such as chemical exposure, like pesticides or hygiene products, interacting with our hormonal systems.”
Eisenberg said these changes could also be due to a sedentary lifestyle and environmental factors.
It’s not just penis size either that’s changing, it’s sperm count and testosterone levels that have been declining for a long time.
“There are also higher rates of male congenital birth defects, like hypospadias, where the opening for the urethra is not at the tip of the penis, and cryptorchidism, where the testicles don’t properly descend,” Eisenberg said.
But penis size was something that no one had taken a systematic look at, as this study collected data from 75 studies conducted between 1942 and 2021 that looked at penis length in 55, 761 men.
Yes, big penis, v good. But also, scary-dystopian-future-where men-could-potentially-become-infertile. Yeah, I’m sensing a kind of hybrid of / future and me no likey.
The post The Average Penis Size Has Increased In 29 Years (Yay), But Doctors Warn This Is Not Good (Nay) appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .