The Aspen Tree The Forestias with Panyapiwat Institute of Management (PIM) and Canada’s Baycrest launched “Care Angel Program” on 29 November to introduce training for Thai healthcare professionals to top global standards, supporting the community’s new concept of “Holistic Lifetime Care”.

The Aspen Tree’s President, Ms. Hye June Park, said: “The Aspen Tree aims to lead in ‘Holistic Lifetime Care’ in Thailand and the Asia-Pacific, working with PIM and Baycrest to launch the ‘Care Angel Program’ for outstanding care. This important step reinforces The Aspen Tree’s leadership in residences with full lifelong care for planning long-term well-being after 50.”
Care Angel Program is an advanced healthcare and nursing certification. The collaboration will develop staff who can provide superior service at The Aspen Tree, with specialised expertise in caring for older adults from Canada’s Baycrest Centre, a global leader in healthcare, housing, research, innovation, and brain health for older adults.
“The Care Angel Program is another key element for The Aspen Tree to become a national and regional leader in ‘Holistic Lifetime Care’, so residents can be confident of physical and mental well-being and quality of life,” said Ms. Hye June Park.

Dr. Anna Ballon, Vice President of Baycrest Global Solutions, said strong synergies between The Aspen Tree, PIM, and Baycrest would create a dedicated Care Angel team to look after The Aspen Tree’s future residents.
“We believe the Care Angel course can produce high-quality staff. The program will create employment opportunities and help raise care standards.”
Dr. Anna Ballon added that PIM has worked with Baycrest on a comprehensive Care Angel curriculum to meet the needs of clients and develop necessary skills. The course will build confidence in PIM’s specialists in holistic healthcare services for older adults.

Ms. Wipada Kunaviktikul, Ph.D.RN, FAAN and Professor & Vice President in Health Science Affairs and Interim Dean of School of Nursing Panyapiwat Institute of Management (PIM), said: “Many countries have rapidly rising older populations, largely because people are living longer. The global economy will be driven by the silver economy so it’s important to understand the needs of older adults in areas such as food, tourism, health and wellness. Educational institutions must speed up the development of professionals to serve this economy.”
The Care Angel Program will welcome applications for its 42 initial places from 1 December 2022 until 24 March 2023. The course will run from 12 June until 8 December 2023 with 830 hours of teaching and over 300 hours of theory and practical training on care for older adults and specialist skills for professional service.

The Care Angel course will offer further opportunities through scholarships for both training and living expenses. Students will have a chance to work with a world-class real estate company through The Aspen Tree and to join a Residency Training Program with Baycrest in Canada.