With its rugged stone cottages, handsome old pubs, jaw-dropping countryside and a butchers which sells pork pies to die for, there really is not much to not like about the village of Greenfield. But living in such an attractive place has its drawbacks.
Dovestones reservoir, one of the most popular beauty spots in Greater Manchester, is just up the road. And, as the Manchester Evening News reports, on weekends and during the school holidays it gets absolutely rammed, especially if the sun is shining.
It's easy to see why. Dovestones is within easy driving distance of the towns and cities of Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire. There's a flat, gentle walk around the reservoir which is perfect for families, but it can also be used as the starting point for many a more challenging hike around the Saddleworth moors. And since covid lots of people have found or rediscovered the joys of the great outdoors.

But Dovestones' popularity means the village struggles to cope with the influx of visitors. The reservoir car park often overflows, meaning visitors are left to park on side streets and outside homes - or, as is often the case, illegally on grass verges or double yellow lines.
"Every time it's nice weather, it's busy," a Holmfirth Road resident said. "They park on the side roads, on Hollins Lane. It's just gridlocked.
"And there are quite a few accidents with people slowing down trying to find a parking place. But it's a nice place for people to enjoy. I think people should be able to come and enjoy it, we just need better facilities."
Police and traffic wardens occasionally patrol the area dishing out tickets to anyone caught parking illegally. But the gridlock has led to angry rows between villagers and visitors.
Last month Louise Donnelly, who lives nearby to the reservoir, shared a video showing the area packed with cars while neighbours asked drivers to park considerately.
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"Me and the neighbours are trying to get everybody to move from here but there is lots and lots of cars and they are starting to park down the lane. There are no wardens on," she said at the time.
"We are telling people to move in case we need to get the emergency services through. However, we are getting shouted at, sworn at, and it's the same story all the time. Something really needs to be done about it because it's getting out of hand."
And it's not just the parking. One villager also told us of concerns about visitors risking moor fires by having barbecues and of dog walkers letting their pets off the lead and worrying the livestock.
"I never go," she said. "I used to walk my dog there all the time, but there's no pleasure in going any more.
"Every Saturday and Sunday it's chokka block. They put double yellow lines down from here to the Yorkshire border, but people just ignore them.
"If there’s four of them in the car they just think 'We'll pay the £60 fine'. Yes, it's for everyone but people just need to respect the countryside and the people who live here."

Louise Donnelly lives at Hey Top, a row of cottages overlooking Dovestones. It's a stunning spot, but the only road in and out is through Dovestones car park. "It can take 30 to 40 minutes just to get to the main road some days because of the people trying to get to Dovestones," said Louise earlier this year.
"People think it's a one way road, so they're shouting and swearing at you as you try to get out."
"You don't go to Tesco on a Friday," added Hey Top neighbour Debbie Tompkins. "You stock up in the week then stay in all weekend. That's what most people do, because it takes 45 minutes to get to the main road.
"We get loads of walkers coming past gawking in the window. I'm getting quite rude in my old age, so I say to them 'It's five for a look, 10 for a stare'.
"But the parking and the access is the main thing. It's mental. They drive like d***heads, they park all along the lane. You couldn't get an ambulance up here if you needed one."

It's a tricky balance between visitors' enjoyment of the landscape and the comfort and convenience of locals, as one Manchester Road resident acknowledges.
"I think a lot of people discovered Dovestones during lockdown when walking was the only thing to do," she said. "It was definitely a lot quieter before.
"I know it gets to a lot of people, but I've lived here all my life and it doesn't bother me. If you’re going to live in a beautiful place like this, you can't keep it to yourself."
In a statement earlier this month United Utilities, which owns the reservoir, said: "We remind all visitors to park considerately when visiting the recreation site and to be respectful to the local community and environment."