Bristol is a city of legends. Sounds silly to say it, but it's true. This is the city that gave the world the people that gave the world everything from radar to the chocolate bar, Ribena to lead shot.
And it's also provided some of the most famous musicians, singers, writers and activists over the years.
But when it comes to working out a list of the Legends of Bristol, everything is up in the air. What should be classed as legendary? Who should be classed as being connected with Bristol - someone born here who left when they were five, or someone who retired here once they'd been legendary somewhere else?
All of these things, of course, are arbitrary - there will be people you can think of who should be on this list but aren't, there'll be people on this list who you think shouldn't be anywhere near it.
And equally, any list of legends is hampered by the times in which it is created. When we asked for suggestions for this list from the swirling mass of consciousness that is Bristol's social media, we had two conditions - they must be legends and they must be dead.
Many of the suggestions were of people recently departed - bestowing legendary status on someone we're still missing and mourning seems a natural and understandable thing to do.
Time only will tell whether the people in our recent history will continue to be regarded as legends by future generations, of course, and again this is all completely subjective: Despite being an attempt at a definitive list of legendary figures in Bristol in the past 1,000 years, it is very much a view from 2020.
Someone compiling this list even ten years ago would have completely different people in there, and no doubt it will change if someone should come back and reassess it in years to come.
There are, slightly depressingly, more men on this list than women - history tells us that men always seem to have been in charge, and history only remembers the men. But that's not true, and hopefully this list acknowledges the contribution of legendary women in Bristol's history, both ancient and more modern. Their presence in this list is assisted greatly by Bristol author Jane Duffus' book The Women Who Built Bristol - which is into its second volume now.
As for what constitutes legendary status, that's slightly easier to attempt to quantify, although again one person's legend is another's nobody.
What we've gone for, in assessing the many, many suggestions we had, and adding in our own, is a condition about status and legacy. They have to have been regarded as a legend by their peers or those that followed them, or have left something which changed the city or its people fundamentally, and for the better.
In compiling it, two strands emerged - those who are legends within Bristol, and those who are from Bristol but legends either nationally or globally. This leads on to the concept of 'Bristol Famous' - someone who everyone in Bristol knows but, because we're a provincial town that's only just been discovered by The Guardian and The Telegraph, our legends are not as well known outside the city as they should be.
Perhaps this seeks to redress that, perhaps this is just an opportunity to celebrate and confirm the people throughout Bristol's long history that we can say now, were legends.
Tell us the people in your community who made a difference during the pandemic. Nominate your Covid hero here.
75 Ann Yearsley
An impoverished milkmaid in late 18th century Clifton when it was a little village, she was 'discovered' by Hannah More who read her poetry.
Yearsley was rather disparagingly nicknamed 'Lactilla' by the upper class literary sets, but she stood up for herself, wrestled control of her finances from More and wrote poems and essays against the cruelty of the slave trade - a brave thing to do in 18th century Bristol.
74 Buster Footman

The best name a football physio could have, Buster joined Bristol City in 1988 and got the players fit enough to win promotion twice through a combination of no-nonsense ex-Royal Marine discipline and a huge knowledge of sports injuries.
He was a legend at Ashton Gate, as physio then kitman, for many reasons - but particularly for his relentless charity work and turning out in a t-shirt whatever the weather.
The most shared video clip of him 'in action' after his untimely death in May 2020 was the sight of him picking up and carrying an injured City player off the pitch like they were a small child in his arms. You can read more about Buster here.
73 Marie Hall
Only this far down the list because her connections with Bristol aren't as strong as some others, but Marie Hall will be forever associated with the city.
In her day, she was the most famous musician in the world. A violinist from Herefordshire who legend said was discovered as a penniless teenager playing for loose change on the streets of Bristol, her incredible talent saw her catapulted into the world of orchestras, concerts and world tours, for which she was paid unprecedented sums of money.
Her lasting legacy will be as the violinist for whom Britain's most favourite piece of classical music was written - The Lark Ascending - which she helped Ralph Vaughan Williams compose at Kingsweston House, before she presented to the world - or rather, a couple of hundred people - at Shirehampton Public Hall exactly 100 years ago next month, in December 1920.
72 Helen Dunmore
Writer, noveilist and poet, Helen Dunmore wrote novels set in Bristol and was one of the most stylish voices of the 21st century.
Her death in 2017 came just as her final poetry books and novels picked up major national awards, and poignantly, her husband, son and daughter spent the year of her death picking up awards on her behalf.
71 Keith Floyd

Until Keith Floyd came along, programmes about cooking, food and dining on television were instructional and educational - he made them entertaining too and the way he transformed how TV 'does food' is his legacy. He was the original 'celebrity chef'.
His legacy is also in the endless tales of his days running restaurants in Bristol: the wine, the women and the late night shenanigans.
70 David Bryant
The first bowls player to be a household name since Francis Drake, the Clevedon gentleman was for years the best bowls player in the world.
We'd be reminded of his trademark pipe and white flat cap at Commonwealth Games in the 1960s and 70s (he won five in a row) and when the World Championships began to be televised.
He's generally regarded as the best bowls player of all time, was born in Clevedon and died there in August 2020.
69 Mick Aston

An audibly Worcester lad, Prof Mick Aston was Somerset's county archaeologist and a lecturer at the University of Bristol when he and Prof Tim Taylor came up with the idea for Time Team, a TV programme based around archaeology.
The Bristol-based series was a huge hit and he was one of its unlikely stars, with a shock of white hair and multi-coloured jumpers. His legacy lives on in the huge variety of different history programmes that use archaeology, bones, finds, digs and radiocarbon dating as their content.
68 Humphry Davy
One of the most important scientists in British history, he's only this far down the list because his connections with Bristol were brief.
A Cornishman by birth, Davy spent just three years in Bristol, but what a three years they were. He was 20 when he arrived, 23 when he left. In the time he was here, he basically ticked all the Bristol student boxes - he experimented with dangerous levels of nitrous oxides, and read a bit of Wordsworth and Coleridge.
But while that's the kind of thing generations of students in Bristol have done since, Humphry Davy was creating and discovering nitrous oxide and its laughing gas potential for the first time, and proof-reading Wordsworth and Coleridges poems because he was hanging out with them as mates. He left at 23 with a trail of broken hearts in his wake, and headed for London.
67 Jessie Stephen
As a 15-year-old Scottish girl, denied her education because she had to work to support her family, for Jessie Stephen the Suffragist movement was personal. She became the youngest Suffragette to be arrested, for dropping acid into post boxes, and after winning the vote - for middle class women at least - she went into the Trades Union movement and politics to make sure working class women were enfranchised too.
She made her life in Bedminster, and went on to become the first woman president of the Bristol Trades Council.
66 Dinah Black
Born in the middle of the 1600s in Africa, she was captured and enslaved, probably as a child, transported to the Caribbean but was one of only a tiny proportion of enslaved Africans who completed the third leg of the 'triangular trade' and ended up in Bristol. She was owned by a woman called Dorothy Smith for five years, but Smith sold her to a man who wanted to take her back to the plantations in the Caribbean to work.
Dinah did not want that, and wasn't going to have it. She struggled against being taken by force from her home in Bristol and so alerted people to her plight. Forced onto a ship down the Avon Gorge, it docked the night in Portishead and she managed somehow to escape, hid in Leigh Woods and walked back to Bristol, where she was given shelter by Bristol's early Quakers, before fighting in the courts for her freedom - a fight she ended up winning.
65 Dean Francis
Regarded as one of the best, most naturally-gifted British boxers never to have won a world title, Dean Francis came mighty close - winning Commonwealth and European belts before injury hampered his career. He died at the tragically young age of 44 in 2018, sparking tributes from across Bristol and the wider boxing world.
64 Sam Tucker
The city's first great rugby star, a hooker who played for Bristol through the 1920s and captained England well into his 30s.
63 St Wulfstan
His uncle was one of the 11th century's leading lawmakers, and he followed in his footsteps.
As Bishop of Worcester his patch included Bristol, and he came to the port in the mid 1000s and overthrew by force the merchants who were practising the slave trade - buying and selling captured English, Welsh, Cornish and Danish people and selling them to the Irish and the French - or trading in captured Irish people brought to Bristol - in a market place of humans near the first Bristol Bridge.
Slavery remained banned in Bristol until Edward Colston's day some 600 years later.
62 Delores Campbell
Described by Bristol's first City Poet Miles Chambers as 'the surrogate mother of black British culture', Delores Campbell was everyone's mum in St Pauls in the 1960s, 70s and 80s - and literally the foster mum to more than 30 children as a dedicated foster carer for 18 years.
She was also the first woman to join the Commonwealth Co-ordinated Committee, set up in the early days of the Windrush Generation in St Pauls, and one of the founders of the St Pauls Carnival.
She's one of the Seven Saints of St Pauls and her mural is, with fitting coincidence, on Campbell Street in St Pauls.
61 Des Beresford

An engineer by trade, when Des Beresford passed away just last year, he was described by many as a Bristol legend.
He was probably the most well known figure for decades in Bristol's amateur football, as a player for numerous clubs and then as a coach. Before he died of cancer in early 2019, a charity match was played with him as guest of honour, and Spurs legend Ledley King led one of the teams.
60 William Friese-Greene
Bristol born and a QEH pupil, he was apprenticed to a photographer as a teenager but took his boss to court to be freed from the seven-year contract, because he knew he could go further. He won, and set up in business himself, inventor new kinds of cameras with shutter speeds so quick that people didn't have to stay still for long seconds any more.
At 19 he married Swiss girl Helena Friese and, remarkably for the time, he took her name into a double-barreled surname with the kind of equality that is still rare today.
He was one of the foremost photography pioneers of the late 19th century, and one of the early pioneers of cinema, inventing and re-inventing ever-better moving picture cameras - he patented his first in 1890, as well as developing colour photography methods. But, like many of the best inventors, his single-mindedness was to the detriment of his business, and he never made a fortune from his ground-breaking developments, and in fact was declared bankrupt a few times.
59 Stanley Thatcher

Six years before he was born, Stanley Thatcher's father began supplementing the pay of his farmworkers with cider pressed from apples in the orchard at the family farm near Bristol.
When Stanley took on the farm, he saw a business opportunity there, and made more cider to sell draught to local pubs.
58 Bob Hope
Perhaps the most famous man in the world in his day, Bob Hope was an American actor, comedian, singer and entertainer who was the biggest star in Hollywood for a time.
He grew up as a child in St George before his family moved to the US.
57 Victoria Hughes
There was a time when Bristol had public toilets, and there was a time before that when those public toilets had lavatory attendants - people whose job it was to open them, and keep them nice.
Victoria Hughes was the loo lady at the public toilets on Stoke Road, at the edge of Durdham Down from 1929 to 1962, when she retired. She saw many things, and they would have been lost to time had she not put it all down in a book 15 years after she retired and at the age of 80.
Her memoirs from the 33 years as a loo lady were called Ladies Mile, and revealed the stories and lives of the sex workers she offered a supportive safe haven to. The book was quite shocking to Bristol and Britain in 1977 and Victoria became something of a celebrity, but the legacy was to help change public attitudes towards women who end up, for whatever reason, in sex work. She is the first toilet attendant to be included in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
56 Shingara Singh Khalsa

Shingara Singh Khalsa was pretty much the father and founder of the Sikh community in Bristol. He arrived in 1955 and worked at Berkeley Power Station and in a local bakery and earned enough to bring his wife, Gurbachan, over from India.
He set up the first Sikh temple in the city and when he died last year aged 94, his legacy was the four Sikh temples now in Bristol.
His funeral procession brought the city to a standstill.
55 Geoff Dunford
Former chairman of Bristol Rovers, with his father Denis, he managed to keep the club going through the troubled years of the 1980s and 90s, the move to Bath and the return to the Mem.
When he died at 66 in 2017, he was described as 'a wonderful man who left a legacy that will live forever'. You can read more about Geoff here.
54 Steve Norman
Bristol has long been a city of protest and campaigning against authority, and probably the personification of that in the 21st century was Steve Norman.
From his flat in Avonmouth, the former Merchant Navy sailor would be a one-man Citizen's Advice Bureau, never missing an opportunity to organise or join protests against whatever authority was mistreating the ordinary man or woman, usually Bristol City Council.
Before he died in late 2017, he was the subject of a Radio 4 Untold documentary by Grace Dent, which was broadcast, poignantly after his passing, which was marked with acts of subversion all over Bristol in tribute.
53 Tony Bullimore
Bristol's modern history since the end of World War Two is a story of growth and development, and new Bristolians coming from the places Bristol went to, like the Caribbean.
And few did more to bring old and new Bristolians together back in the 1960s than Tony Bullimore. With his wife Lal, they opened the Bamboo Club, which provided the first and only place where social mixing between the two communities went on for a time.
When he passed away in 2018, his family said he was as at home in a bar in Jamaica as he was at Windsor Castle with the Queen. He was 'Bristol Famous' for decades but then became world famous in 1997 when he was lost at sea taking part in a Round the World Yacht race, before a dramatic rescue.
52 Joseph Cottle
He set up as a publisher at the age of just 21 in the heady days of the 1790s in Bristol, and published poems and writings of the likes of Robert Southey and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, when others turned them down.
51 Walter Ayles
One of Bristol's earliest Labour councillors, elected in 1910 in Easton, he was a Methodist preacher, temperance campaigner and one of the founding members of the national No Conscription Fellowship, which campaigned against the forced conscription of men to go to fight in the trenches of the Great War in 1914.
He was jailed for two months for that, and imprisoned as a conscientious objector later in the war too.
50 Pero Jones
One of the comparatively few enslaved African people who completed the third leg of the transatlantic slave trade and ended up in Bristol, he was owned by Thomas Pinney, one of the richest men in the city who made his fortune in sugar. Pero's Bridge, the only public monument referencing the slave trade in Bristol, is named after him.
49 Mike Barrett

Football is a world where the word 'legend' is bandied about a bit more often than in every day life.
At the same time, the footballers of yesteryear always get better the longer the time elapses since their last match, and added to that, there's the players who could have been great, but factors conspired against them.
But Mike, or Micky, Barrett will be forever held among a generation of Rovers fans as the player who could have been great.
A local lad, he grew up in Shirehampton as a City fan, but failed a trial at the Ashton Gate club as a youngster. He went back to play for his local club in Shire, and then got picked up by Rovers. He broke into the team in his early 20s and the three seasons he played caught the eye of many a First Division scout. Manchester United were said to be interested.
Many a Rovers fan of a certain vintage will say he was the most gifted footballer ever to pull on the blue and white quarters, a skillful winger with a bag of tricks and a burst of pace, he was a real terrace hero.
As Rovers fan and Bristol sport reporting legend Paul Davis recalls here, the last home game of the 1983-84 season saw him score a last minute winner to keep promotion hopes alive and prompted a pitch invasion. When the team returned for pre-season training he'd lost weight and couldn't run, and he was quickly and shockingly diagnosed with lung cancer. He died within weeks, aged 24 and just before the birth of his son Liam, and the Eastville club and all of Bristol were devastated.
48 Minnie Louise Haskins

The King's Christmas Broadcast in 1939 was listened to by everyone eager for a word from the monarch about the struggles that would lie ahead. And right across the Empire, people heard the King quote a poem they'd never heard or read before, which began: "And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown".
The poem was called God Knows and had been written and published in 1912 by a woman in her late 30s called Minnie Louise Haskins. The poetry world passed it by, and she resumed her life with a varied career working in the East End of London, India and as a London School of Economics academic.
The poem, somehow, ended up 25 years later in royal hands, and the King thought it fitting to be quoted at this critical moment. It was fitting, and the nation wanted to know what was this poem that captured the moment so perfectly? The BBC didn't know, and it wasn't until late on Boxing Day that it was able to find out and tell everyone, including a rather baffled Minnie Louise Haskins, who had been born and raised in Oldland and Warmley, on the eastern edge of Bristol, in the final years of the 19th century.
Now 64 and retired, she lived into her 80s with that poem continuing to be used on royal occasions - it was read at the Queen Mother's Funeral in 2002.
47 Fred Wedlock
The Bristol teacher who was a standard of the burgeoning folk scene in Clifton in the late 1960s and 70s, before achieving a rather unlikely top 6 hit with The Oldest Swinger In Town in January 1981, when he was nearly 40.
If the West Country or Bristol was a nation, he then became a National Treasure, presenting gentle regional TV magazine programmes with a cheery love of people and zest for life. As a comic turn or after dinner speaker he could have a huge marquee in stitches, and he became the de facto voice of Bristol during the 80s and 90s.
46 Chris Harris
Legend of Bristol and Bath's theatre in the later years of the 20th century and into the 21st - he was seen by thousands and thousands of Bristolians year after year as a panto dame, but also wrote and directed the shows. When we talk of people being Bristol Famous - that is a household name in Bristol but not outside the city, he's right up there.
45 Olive Cooke
Her father set up the Royal British Legion branch in Bedminster when she was a teenager, so she began selling poppies every year from the age of 16, and was a Bristol fixture for decades outside the Cathedral with her collecting tin and poppies.
She went on to marry, but tragically her first husband was killed in the Second World War. She married again and had a huge family who, along with all of Bristol, mourned her tragic passing at the age of 92 in 2015. You can read more about Olive's remarkable life, here.
44 Robert Southey
Bristol's original Romantic Poet, he wrote with Coleridge, was friends with Wordsworth and, unlike Thomas Chatterton, whose death at 17 after writing just a few teenage poems, Southey had a long and full career as a poet, essayist and author. Perhaps his biggest legacy to the world was that he wrote the original Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
43 Bernard Bilk

The first Englishman to have a number one hit in the USA Billboard charts, his Stranger on the Shore instrumental for his distinctive, breathy clarinet was written for his daughter Jenny.
The Pensford man was, again, Bristol Famous before he became an international star. He worked at Wills Tobacco in Bedminster between leaving school and National Service in the 1940s, and left for London in 1951 to seek fame and fortune as a musician playing sweet jazz.
He was known by his nickname Acker, the Bristol and North Somerset slang for 'mate', and his music was of an era - Stranger was the best-selling single of 1962, before The Beatles changed everything.
42 Johnny Morris
Originally from Newport, Johnny Morris's talent for storytelling and mimcry wasn't discovered until he was spotted telling stories in a pub when he was 30. That was in 1946, and he embarked on a career firstly on radio, and then on television.
He moved to Bristol, and was the presenter of Animal Magic, which featured Johnny as the hapless zoo keeper at Bristol Zoo. Many watching through the lens of today would not condone the anthropomorphic way the animals were given a human voice, but generations of children at the time loved it.
The BBC children's programme ran for more than 400 editions between 1962 and 1983, and Johnny continued a career as the grandfather of children's animal-based television. When he died in 1999, he left his house in his will to Terry Nutkins.
41 Beryl Corner
Many on our list changed people's lives, gave people joy, support or comfort, but there are literally hundreds, maybe thousands of Bristolians alive today who would not be, without Beryl Corner.
She was 35 when she came to Bristol, having trained as a medical doctor specialising in children's care and care of newborn babies. She came because places like Great Ormond Street in London wouldn't give her a job because she was a woman - even though women were the ones who gave birth to newborn babies, apparently they could not be experts in looking after them.
She was welcomed to Bristol's Royal Hospital for Children, and initially was the only paediatrician in the south west. She wanted to establish a specific unit of the hospital for new born babies, was given £100 and told to do what she could. She set up the unit and it halved the mortality rates of newborns in the city.
She got an OBE shortly before she died in 2007, at the age of 96.
40 Cecil Frank Powell
Arrived in Bristol as a research assistant at the University of Bristol at the age of 25 and went on to become one of the leading physicists of the nuclear age. He won a Nobel Prize for Physics for his work developing a way of photographing the nuclear processes.
39 William Watts
Watts was an ordinary plumber living in Redcliffe in the 1780s, and one night had a dream. He dreamt that if droplets of molten metal fall far enough, they - like falling raindrops - will form perfect spheres in the air as they fall. If they land in cold water, they will instantly solidify in that spherical state.
it was such a vivid and, let's be frank, bizarre dream, that Watts turned his life upside down to prove it was true. Much to the probable bafflement of his wife, he built a couple more storeys on their house, then dug down into the basement and then into the rocks below, and finally his dream worked - he'd invented ball bearings.
This was a big deal. At the time, lead shot of the kind used in guns were awkward lumps of lead, which flew off in every direction. Spherical balls flew straight and true, and the technology could also be adapted for engineering use too.
He built the world's first lead shot tower on the banks of the river in Redcliffe, made a fortune, lost it and died penniless. The second lead shot tower built to replace his original, still stands near St Philips Bridge.
38 Giovanni Cabotti
Or John Cabot to Bristolians. An Italian sailor who plied his trade for many years around the Mediterranean - and yes that must have included transporting slaves around the Adriatic - he had greater ambitions than the route between Venice and Athens.
He arrived in Bristol in the 1490s, and gathered the greatest mariners the city had - and the richest merchants. Christopher Columbus had returned from sailing west with tales of sun-drenched islands in 1492 - he'd only discovered the Caribbean - but Cabot heard tales that Bristolian fishermen knew of a cloud-covered continent further north they'd seen on their longer fishing trips out into the far western Atlantic.
His expedition was the first European one to set foot on mainland North America since the Vikings settled temporarily in Canada in around 900AD. He 'discovered' Newfoundland and what is now Canada, and assured his place as a Bristol legend, establishing the city as the key port for this next era of transatlantic exploration.
37 George Muller

He discovered God at the age of 25 and dedicated his life to Christian service in Victorian times. God told him to go to Bristol and work with orphans - and he did, setting up a huge orphanage on the road to Horfield from Eastville, that welcomed more than 10,000 children through its doors throughout history.
His orphanages were set up around the country, and the road is now called Muller Road.
36 Elizabeth Blackwell
Bristol born woman brought up in the city with a fierce streak of passion for medicine and not taking the norms of Victorian society that women couldn't do 'a man's job'. The family emigrated to America, and she became the first registered female doctor in the US.
35 Dorothy Hazzard
A grocer's wife in Bristol in the 1620s and 30s, her husband died, leaving her in charge of the business. She became one of the city's leading non-conformists in the great religious schisms that led in part to the English Civil War, and when the country fractured between king and parliament, Bristol fell firmly on the side of the people and against the monarchy.
And when Royalist forces arrived to lay siege to Bristol, she formed a group of Bristolian women to defend one of the gates to the city, continuing to do so, even after the mayor gave in and surrendered.
34 Gordon Welchman
The son of a vicar in Fishponds, Gordon Welchman was a maths genius. One of the four 'wicked uncles' who were the brains behind the Bletchley Park operation, alongside Alan Turing. His work at Bletchley Park involved not only creating ways to decipher Nazi communications, but also encrypt communications between the Allies, and his work helped shorten the war.
After the war, he went to the United States, where he became one of the early pioneers of computers, working at the MIT and then for the Mitre Corporation.
33 Landlord Thompson
No one has managed to discover the first name of the landlord of the Seven Stars pub in Redcliffe in the latter part of the 18th century. But he goes down as a Bristol legend for the work he did to help the movement both here in Britain and in the Caribbean to abolish the slave trade.
Thompson's inn was frequented by the local sailors back from the traumatic voyages to West Africa, to the Caribbean and home again - tens of thousands of enslaved people died on the crossings, and the mortality rate among the lowly sailors wasn't much better. Slave ships began to have trouble recruiting crew, and many were press-ganged into it.
When the relentless abolitionist campaigner Thomas Clarkson arrived, he was put up at the Seven Stars as he tried to gather evidence from first-hand accounts of the horrors of the slave trade. Landlord Thompson was his 'in', vouching for the young campaigner both with his customers at the Seven Stars, and by taking him to other pubs around the docks to talk to other sailors.
32 Annie Kenney
Bristol's leading suffragette, Annie Kenney was a working class Lancashire woman who had already become notorious nationally when she moved to Bristol in 1907. All the local suffragettes rallied to the charismatic leader, and she created a hotbed of the movement in the city.
31 Mary Baker
A pennliess woman from Devon with a head full of tall tales and a vivid imagination, she was found wandering the country lanes north of Bristol. She had previously had some success pretending to be a foreign beggar - oh how times have changed in Bristol - she went one stage further and pretended to be a foreign princess, washed up after being captured by pirates.
She spoke in a strange language and acted strangely and she was initially believed by everyone who came across her, so she went with it - all the way to the upper echelons of society, becoming something of a wonder of the age.
Taken in by a rich family, they established her name was Princess Caraboo, and even paid a top portrait painter to produce her likeness.
That became her undoing, however, because when news of her discovery reached someone who knew who she really was, and they saw the image, she was rumbled.
The family, to their credit, sent her to America on a theatre tour pretending to be Princess Caraboo, which was a bit odd, but she returned to a downtrodden life, and ended her days standing in the Malago River in Bedminster, letting leeches attach themselves to her legs so she could harvest them and sell them to doctors. She's buried in a churchyard in Bedminster, and in 1995, Hollywood made a film about her.
30 Adge Cutler
A Nailsea man who became the Bard of Somerset, Adrian John Cutler had a fascinating life even before his band of Wurzels cut their first record in 1967 when he was already in his 30s. The Wurzels went on to be West Country legends, but only achieved national fame after his tragic death in 1974.
His legacy lives on though, in the band that's still playing in 2020, the songs that are still sung at Ashton Gate, and whenever Bristol Bears win a European trophy, Southmead lad Joe Joyce leads the multinational team in a rendition of Blackbird.
29 John Macadam
John Macadam arrived in Bristol with ideas of how to improve the quality of roads in the world. Bristol was a rich city in the early 1800s, and he was given the job as boss of the road network. He trialled a new form of road surface - layers of varying size of stones and crushed gravel, and the world's first Macadamised road was created across the marsh where Longmoor Brook begins to flow towards the River Avon in Ashton Gate.
It's now Marsh Road and Ashton Road, that runs two sides of the football stadium, and from there, his technique has gone around the world, especially after someone had the idea of adding tar to create 'tarmac'. That's some legacy.
28 Elsie Griffin
Born and raised in Bristol at the turn of the 20th century, the St Michael on the Mount school girl was something of a child prodigy as a singer in her teens. At 18, she won a singing prize at the Bristol Music Festival and within just a couple of years, she was one of the most familiar voices in the country.
Fred Weatherley wrote Danny Boy for her to sing, and Roses of Picardy, and both songs captured the heart of the nation during the Great War - she was the Trenches version of Vera Lynn, and a huge star.
27 Allen Lane
Born and raised in Bristol, by the age of 23 he was managing director of the family publishing firm, and then in his early 30s conceived of Penguin books, after realising the mass market appeal for paperback books that could be cheap and easily carried.
26 John James
In 1999, Bristol Evening Post readers voted John James as the Person of the Century. Born into poverty in Bedminster in 1906, he was an astute businessman who made a huge fortune, and set up the John James Foundation in 1983 to give much of it away again to good causes in the city.
25 William Canynges
Five times the mayor of Bristol in the 1400s, three times the city's MPs, William Canynges was probably the wealthiest person in the country during his lifetime. He made his money as a merchant, trading Bristol products like wool for Mediterranean goods like port and olives.
Before the days when England had a navy, he had one himself - a fleet of ships that connected England with south western Europe as well as with the near continent places like Holland and Germany.
24 Derek Serpell-Morris
DJ Derek was already a Bristol legend before his untimely death in 2015. The son of a carpenter, he was an accountant before a second divorce triggered something of a mid-life crisis - although it was a fruitful one.
He'd always been very much into the Black music that surrounded him in Montpelier and St Pauls, and he became a DJ 'by accident' at the Star and Garter pub in his mid-30s. His reputation grew, went nationwide and he appeared at Glastonbury and in a Dizzee Rascal video.
23 Geoff Bradford
Widely recognised as Bristol Rovers' best ever footballer. A one-club man who devoted his career to Rovers in the post-war years. He still holds the record for the most goals in a season, 33, and the most goals ever, 242, and was even capped by England, lining up alongside the likes of Tom Finney, for a 5-1 win over Denmark. Of course he scored in the game too.
After retiring in the 1960s, he worked as a tanker driver.
22 Tony Benn

Those on the left with red rose tinted spectacles still regard Tony Benn as the best Prime Minister Britain never had, but he was certainly one of the most principled men in politics. He's a Bristol legend as the city's MP for much of the post-war years, including the time when he came down on the side of the city's black community during the Bristol Bus Boycott.
21 Colin Pillinger
The son of a man who worked for the gas board in Kingswood, Colin Pillinger was one of the products of the grammar school system that gave a generation of post-war working class children an opportunity to go to university. He did - and then some - taking his Kingswood accent all the way to NASA and then to Mars, as the principal investigator for the European Space Agency's Beagle 2 project.
20 Carmen Beckford
Carmen Beckford MBE was a founding organiser of St Paul's Carnival.
She was also a key race equality campaigner in the city, having been appointed the first Race Relations Officer in Bristol.
She died in 2016 at the age of 87.
19 John Atyeo
Widely recognised as Bristol City's best-ever player, while Rovers had Bradford, City had Atyeo.
A total of 314 goals in 597 games for City, he also played or England six times and scored five goals, including the goal that put England through to qualify for the 1958 World Cup.
If anyone is in any doubt about his legend status in BS3, there's a stand named after him, and a statue of him at the main entrance to the stadium.
18 Jim Williams
Jim arrived in Bristol from Jamaica in 1960 with a passion for agriculture brought from his homeland, but with opportunities limited, he ended up as a painter and decorator and then one of the first black people to work on the buses in the city, following the successful Bus Boycott.
Nicknamed Dandy, he ran the St Nicholas House pub in St Pauls and became active in the community and was elected as a city councillor for Ashley Down in 1987, and was named the city's first black Lord Mayor in 1990.
17 Bernard Lovell
Like Colin Pillinger, who followed him, he was another Kingswood Grammar School boy, who went on to university in Bristol, then Manchester. Still in his twenties, this accomplished scientist was part of the wartime team that developed radar, and in the post-war nuclear age, he set up Jodrell Bank.
16 Tom Cribb
Born in Bristol in 1781, he went to London as a young man to take on the brutal career as a bare knuckle boxer. By the age of 28, and after years undefeated, he became the de facto world champion, after a 35-round contest against former American slave Tom Molineaux in 1810.
It's difficult to overestimate just how famous Cribb was in his day, but bare knuckle boxing was a brutal sport, and he retired at 32 to become a coal merchant and publican. The pub he ran in London is named after him now, and there's a very grand monument to him in the graveyard in South London where he's buried.
15 Arthur Milton
Born and raised in Bedminster before the war, he was an accomplished sportsman at Cotham Grammar School during the war. He emerged from National Service aged 20 in 1948 and became something of a sporting legend.
He'd signed for Arsenal as a 17 years old in 1945, and rejoined them after his two years in National Service. It took him a few years to make his debut - on his 23rd birthday in 1951, and became a fixture at right back for the famous North London team.
After playing only 12 league games for the Gunners, he was called up for England, winning his first and only cap in a match against Austria. He went on to win the League with Arsenal in 1953.
Meanwhile, footballers didn't earn the fortunes they do now, and in the summer, most had to get another job. For Arthur that meant returning home to Bristol at the end of the season and signing on again at the County Ground to play cricket for Gloucestershire.
An accomplished opening batsman, he was a fixture in the Glos side from 1948 onwards, and flirted with winning a Test cap for England, before finally making the breakthrough against New Zealand at Headingley in 1958.
By then he'd retired from football at 27 - he'd won the league with Arsenal but returned to play 15 times for Bristol City before hanging up his football boots in 1955.
He continued to be a Gloucestershire cricket stalwart, scoring more than 32,000 first class runs.
Someone able to play for England in both cricket and football seems ridiculous to imagine now, and while it wasn't rare for people to do both back in the first decades of the 20th century, only 12 other Englishmen have ever done it - and Arthur Milton was the last.
14 Trevor Stanford
Born and raised in Southville, he won a scholarship to Bristol Cathedral School, but left school at 14 for a job in a solicitors office. He was sent to borstal for three years for stealing from his employer as a teenager, and it changed his life - while inside he taught himself the piano, and after going through a series of jobs when he was released, he was 'spotted' playing piano in a club and catapulted into the heady showbiz world of late 1950s London.
They changed his name to Russ Conway, and he was the first British heart-throb musician of the new television age, with his good looks and charming smile. He sold 30 million records.
13 Samuel Plimsoll
Born in Bristol, Samuel Plimsoll moved away as a child and grew up up north. He worked as a coal merchant, but fell into destitution and resolved that should he get out of it, he'd devote his life to helping the poor and working man.
He did that, and ended up being elected as an MP in Derby. What brought him to legendary status back in Bristol, however, was his unstinting efforts to improve safety for merchant sailors. Too often, merchants and ship owners would overload boats to dangerous levels - if they managed to successfully complete the journey, it meant more profit for the owners, if they sank and everyone on board died, then no matter, they would claim on the insurance.
Plimsoll fought for years for that practice to be stopped, and did it with a requirement that a line be drawn on every ship built to show where it should sit in the water when safely fully loaded. It became known as the Plimsoll line, and saved countless Bristolilan lives ever since.
12 Eddie Hapgood
We've had footballers as Bristol legends who played for City and Rovers, but perhaps the best footballer the city ever produced played for neither - he was basically too good for us.
He started out on the famous Downs League as a slim, skillful teenager, while working as a milkman. He got his break at Kettering of all places, but was quickly spotted there by Arsenal, and signed for the Gunners by Herbert Chapman in 1927.
He forced his way into the team at left back at the age of 19, and was almost an ever-present in the Arsenal side that was the best team in the world for a decade. He won five league championship medals and two FA Cups.
He won 30 caps for England, and was made captain of the national side for the first time on one of the most famous England matches in history - the Battle of Highbury, when world champions Italy were sent by Mussolini to prove their status against an England side that didn't take part in World Cups.
The match was a bruising affair, but Hapgood came through it and England won 3-2.
It's impossible to overstate how famous he was - the David Beckham or Gary Lineker of his day. He was, along with Scottish team-mate Alex James - the first footballer to successfully make more money from corporate endorsements outside the game than he ever earned playing it, as a fashion model and, aptly for a lad from Bristol, from advertising chocolate.
He was born in the slums of The Dings, and his family moved to nearby Barton Hill when he was six. There's a street there named after him now.
11 Clara Butt
Clara Butt's father was a sea captain in Victorian England, and moved the family to Bristol when Clara was eight. She went to South Bristol High School and her stunning and unusual voice was soon spotted. Teachers there arranged for her to have singing lessons, and at 18 she won a place at the Royal Academy of Music.
With her huge range, deep voice and 6ft 2ins frame, she was for 30 years either side of the turn of the 20th century, the most famous concert singer in the world, touring the globe many times and performing at the Royal Albert Hall no fewer than 110 times.
10 Dr Vernon Charley

A scientist from the Forest of Dean who came to work at the University of Bristol's Long Ashton Horticulture and Agriculture Research Station, the site of which is now part of the UWE campus. A Bristol legend because of the work he did in the 1930s trying to work out the best way of getting concentrated levels of Vitamin C into children and adults.
By 1933, he'd cracked it, and invented the drink that would become Ribena. It was just in time, too, because when the Second World War broke out, the population - starved of imported citrus fruits - would have succumbed to scurvy without Dr Charley's blackcurrent cordial.
After the war, he took Ribena back to the Forest with him and set up a factory in Coleford., where it is still produced today
9 Thomas Blanket
The inventor of the blanket in the 1330s. Surely not? Well, possibly...
We bow to Bristol Live's expert on this, Eugene Byrne, who explored this fanciful notion in 2012.
When King Edward III, the one from Braveheart, became king in 1327, he wanted England's vast cloth industry to expand and be more profitable, so he hiked up import taxes and invited over all the best Flemish weavers. They populated the towns around the West Country, where all the sheep were, and one called Thomas Blanket came to Bristol.
He set up what was basically the first cloth factory, possibly in the world. Before then, weaving was done by individuals in their own homes, but he got the weavers in to one place to work together, and developed a new kind of heavy, tight-woven cloth, that could be produced more cheaply.
Suddenly, such items could be affordable to the working people who, until this point had slept under animal skins or just in their clothes under shawls. The blanket was born, and it came from Bristol.
8 WG Grace
They will obviously argue constantly about who the greatest cricketer of all-time is, but for decades, at least until long after the Second World War, there would have been no question people said WG Grace. The great doctor was a colossus of the game, as a batsman and sporting leader.
With his huge beard and longevity, the Downend man was the first cricketing superstar.
7 Paul Dirac
His dad was a Swiss immigrant to Bristol who worked as a French teacher, his mum was a Cornish woman who worked in the city's library, and young Paul was born in 1902 in Bishopston.
He went on to be regarded as one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century, with fundamental contributions to the early development of quantum mechanics. He won the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics, shared with Erwin Schrodinger.
6 Princess Campbell

Originally when she arrived in Bristol in 1962, she intended to stay for just five years and then return to Jamaica to share what she had learnt and experienced.
But it didn’t quite work out that way. Her family followed her over, she made friends here, and Bristol became her home ever since.
She worked at Wills tobacco factory before training as a nurse, later becoming one of the first black ward sisters in Bristol, at the Glenside Hospital.
She was also praised for setting up social housing and campaigning nationwide for free bus passes for the over 60s.
5 Edward Thatch
Not much is known about his early life, but all the contemporary reports about him say he was from Bristol, or hereabouts. Some research has pointed to a family from the Stroud area, another that he might be from Somerset. But the people who talked about him in tabloid horror story terms connected him with Bristol.
Not much is known either about how he came to be one of the leading figures of the Pirates Republic in the 1710s in the Caribbean, Carolina coast of the US and in Bermuda. Like most of the pirates at the time, he was probably in the Royal Navy at some stage, before realising there was a lot more fun to be had with the skull and cross bones.
it doesn't matter that much, because what we do know is that they called him Blackbeard.
He was perhaps the first to be the victim of newspaper propaganda, as the desperate colonists in the Caribbean and America, and the aggrieved merchant ship owners back in Bristol wrote horror stories of his violence, in an effort to persuade the authorities back in England to send the might of the Royal Navy to take him out.
But much of what you've been told about Blackbeard is probably wrong - including what people said his name was - as American author Colin Woodard discovered when researching for a book published just before the 300th anniversary of his death in 1718. It's the most complete and authoritative account of Blackbeard and the Pirates Republic, and you can read more about Blackbeard here.
His legacy as a Bristol legend lives on - every time anyone in the world dresses up as a pirate and puts on a pirate voice, they are copying Blackbeard, through the proxy of actor Robert Newton.
4 Sarah Guppy
Bristol has been built on the reputation of Brunel - don't worry, he's coming - but in 2017, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography added a woman called Sarah Guppy to its list, and credited her with some of the design of the Clifton Suspension Bridge, which is quite something for a mum of six from Brislington.
While the establishment kicked back a little on suggestions that Brunel was some kind of copycat, it was a good chance to discover the astonishing story of Sarah Guppy.
A woman who, constrained by the early 19th century society that said women should be inventors, invented loads of things, from a way to stop ships getting barnacles to a device that - and this sounds amazing - boils an egg from the steam of a kettle.
She also came up with a way of doing piling - the science of building the deep foundations that would enable someone to build high above ground, handy if you want to, say, cross the Avon Gorge with a Suspension Bridge.
Her plans were based on doing just that, and her son was Brunel's best friend and chief assistant - so the chances are her plans gave Brunel the confidence to reaffirm to the doubters that crossing the gorge with a bridge as beautiful as the one he designed, was possible.
3 Isambard Kingdom Brunel
And here he is...not a son of Bristol, but the man who shaped so much of what the city looks like now.
He was voted second to Churchill in the huge poll of the Greatest Britons conducted in 2002, and was the son of a French refugee who'd fled from the revolution there.
He came to Bristol in around 1830 and his first success was winning the competition to design the Suspension Bridge. Then in 1833, he was appointed the chief engineer on the Great Western Railway, designing what was then the longest tunnel in the world, under the Cotswold scarp at Box in Wiltshire, as well as huge viaducts and embankments to solve vast physical challenges.
His dream was to enable people to buy a ticket at Paddington to go to New York - on his railway, then over his bridge and finally onto his boat, the SS Great Britain - at the time it launched it was the first propellor driven metal ship in the world, and the world's biggest.
The bridge wasn't built in his lifetime, but the Victorians knew the legacy he'd left them when he died at the young age of just 53, and the money was raised to complete the bridge - albeit without the sphinxes on top of each end he originally wanted - as a memorial to the great man.
2 Hannah More
The daughter of a school teacher, Hannah more was born in Fishponds and is someone who is far more Bristol Famous than any national profile.
Nationally, she's vaguely known as a literary figure of the 1780s, but in Bristol, she was a relentless champion of the education of girls and women, setting up schools around the area.
1 Archibald Leach

At 16, Archibald Leach got a spot in a travelling show's tour of the US, and left Bristol and the Horfield suburb where he was born.
He was 16, and stayed on in the US, spending the 1920s building up a career in theatre, before being signed up by Hollywood in 1931 and changing his name to Cary Grant.
He was, for the next 25 years at least, the biggest star actor in the world, and Hollywood's go-to leading man in the Golden Age of movies.