The upcoming release of the Mars Volta’s ninth studio album has been unconventional to say the least. In the wake of its title - 'Lucro Sucio; Los Ojos del Vacio' - leaking early online, the band performed the album in full during a support slot for Deftones last month. Meanwhile, a pirated copy of said album somehow appears to be in circulation amongst the Volta fan community. It’s something of a marketing strategist’s nightmare…
Compounding that further, the band’s frontman, Cedric Bixler-Zavala has now seemingly, on a whim, handed a burnt CD-R of the upcoming record to a food delivery rider.

Posting on Reddit, user LedZeppole10 - already a big fan of the band, and intrigued by the orderers name - shared the tale:
“So as I'm biking toward the destination in my hometown of Ashland, OR, I am like - that's not a very common name and I know they are playing in the PNW. But there's no way, right?
As I get to the hotel I notice all of the tour busses. But - odds or something - right?
I place a call to Mr. Cedric B. to let him know that his Oven Roasted Turkey Sandwich, 3 bags of lays chips and 1 chocolate chip cookie from Subway have arrived. I wait around outside the hotel for a moment. Soon - guess who strolls out in a black Peacoat and blue trucker cap?
Immediately I'm like "it IS you-!"
I kept it really cool. Like ice cold somehow. Handed him the Subway. He must have been in a good mood and was very warm and approachable. He was stoked I knew who he was. I called him a legend and asked to shake his hand. He was surprised and said that there are lots of haters out there. I sent my regards to Omar {Omar Rodríguez-López, the Mars Volta's other only permanent member, Ed}, told him how excited I was for the new album and told him I love self-titled. Told him Philo is a great choice, said I heard they killed it in Portland the other night. Specifically told him Equus 3 rips.
So then he asks me if I have a CD player. I literally currently don't currently but told him I would buy one on the way home if I need to. He says "hang on, I got something for you." Cedric Bixler Zavala, one of my idols since my teenage years goes inside for a few minutes and goes back up to his room to get something for me. I'm just waiting outside the hotel waiting for Cedric to return at this point. Truly a surreal moment.”
LedZeppole10 continues the story…
“He comes outside again and says, ‘Here's my personal copy of the new album. It leaked already, sooo.’
That's when my mind was blown. I thanked him again. Shook his hand again, luckily never asked for a picture. That was legitimately the coolest thing that ever happened to me and man, Cedric really is a nice person. Acted like a big teenager in the best possible way. Super informal and approachable, like talking to an old friend. What a crazy connection to make."
While we’ve only LedZeppole10’s Reddit-published anecdote (and shared pictures of said CD-R and hotel/Uber Eats app) to go on, we’ve no reason to disbelieve this tale.
The responses from the Mars Volta’s Reddit community ranged from disbelief to utter astounded.
“I so hope this is true because it's probably the greatest thing ever,” said knd_86, while another user stated, “no wonder their albums always leak, Cedric uses them as tips”.
Lucro Sucio; Los Ojos del Vacio will be the follow-up to 2022’s self-titled return to form (and also, their return to being a band, following Rodríguez-López, and Bixler-Zavala's 2012 split). That album saw the previously intense, prog-metal duo embrace more lush instrumentation and more expansive songwriting approaches. Indications are that the new album will lean into a jazzier, more eccentric domain.
Though we too are big fans, we’re completely happy to wait until the official release (rumoured to be April 11th) before delving into Lucro. We have to say, there is something quite retro and warm about seeing a Sharpie-d CD-R again though. It's been a while.
Unfortunately, for LedZeppole10, the next obstacle is getting his hands on something on which to play it; "Needless to say I really have to buy a CD player now. Will probably listen to it once and never again. It's my most cherished possession."