Reason's annual webathon—the one week a year when we ask our online audience to fund our principled, libertarian journalism—is in the history books. Despite record levels of inflation, high odds of a looming recession, and an unstable, bipartisan gerontocracy that shows no signs of giving up power anytime soon, you reached deep into your bank accounts and donated over $586,000 as of press time.
Yes, your gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law and yes, you get some great Reason-branded swag (That stress ball! The "Taxation Is Theft!" tote bag! The personalized video message!), but we know that you didn't have to give us anything, much less hundreds of thousands of dollars.
So on behalf of the Reason staff: Thank you for making it possible for us to write the stories, record the podcasts, produce the videos, and make the appearances we do, all in the name of creating a world that is more free, more fair, and more fun. We've come a long way from a mimeographed publication put out by a college student in 1968 and we've got a long way to go still. We work to earn your confidence—and support—every day by working for "Free Minds and Free Markets" in everything we do.
Thank you to the folks who gave the median gift of $100, to the nearly 250 first-time donors, and to the one incredible benefactor who forked over $35,000 in a single donation! And of course to the three supporters who gave matches totaling $225,000—thus making your dollars magically double (if only government spending worked so instantly and noninflationary)!
And thanks to the folks who sent along comments such as (all typos in original text!):
- "Happy to do my small part to support the magazine, the podcasts AND the Foundation's policy scholars. Any place that can combine psilocybin legalization with public-sector pension integrity wonkery gets my money."
- "Thanks for the slices of sanity."
- "Thanks for continuing to make my day/week/months with great content, journalism humor and my favorite reason byproduct—–—eternal skepticism!"
- "You have contributed to shaping much of my philosophy. And in all seriousness, it helps to know even if I am a political outcast, there are like-minded folk out there. Thank you for all you do."
- "Love reason round table podcast and the friendly / reoccurring banter. Keep up the awesome work and commentary. Most of all keep up your beautiful ethics, constancy and honesty to media."
- "Another year and another fantastic job of reporting on the shenanigans of our sorry political system. I really do appreciate all the hard work the Reason staff puts into creating its amazing content. And I love the Reason Roundtable podcast! I eagerly look forward to it every week. Mahalo nui loa!"
- "Just send the stress ball, I don't need any other swag."
- "Please do not send me the stress ball."
Back in our very first issue from 1968, our founder wrote, "When REASON speaks of poverty, racism, the draft, the war, student power, politics, and other vital issues, it shall be reasons, not slogans, it gives for conclusions. Proof, not belligerent assertion. Logic, not legends. Coherence, not contradictions. This is our promise; this is the reason for REASON."
It still is, and your generous gifts make all the difference in the world to our efforts. Again, thanks.
If you still want to give before the end of the year, you can of course do exactly that by going here right now.
The post Thanks for Your Epic Support of <i>Reason</i>'s Libertarian Journalism! appeared first on Reason.com.