Reason's 2023 webathon was absolutely wild. The $700,000 that over 1,200 of you donated—a bunch of which was matched by generous benefactors—will buy a lot of coffee and paper and cameras and plane tickets and public records (yes, we sometimes have to pay for those). Our original goal was $400,000 and you guys blew it out of the water. Just in case, we'll leave the donation door open until midnight today for you procrastinators (ahem, Matt Welch, ahem) out there.
And while we really, really, really appreciate the cash, we know that what matters most is what you do for Reason every single day when you take the time to click, like, share, and otherwise engage with our content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. We love it when you subscribe to our YouTube channel and pause to watch and enjoy the videos there, including our super-popular YouTube Shorts and our exciting new web show Just Asking Questions. We are grateful when you sign up for our newsletters, including our daily email, Reason Roundup, and our just-launched-today zoning and urban policy newsletter Rent Free—and when you forward them to friends, family, and fools. We swoon with excitement when you subscribe to our podcasts. We're excited when you come by to read online stories at Reason, whether you wound up here from a link on social media or just walked right in the reason.com front door. And, of course, our hearts will always be with our print magazine subscribers and their digital-only brothers and sisters. (By the way, many of the webathon support levels include a free digital subscription, if you want to kill two birds with one stone today.) Heck, we even love the free advertising we'll get when you rep the brand with the cool swag—including socks, beanies, and a Yeti tumbler—you got for donating.
This avalanche of cool Reason content is designed to find fans (and foes) of free minds and free markets wherever they are, and we couldn't do it without your donations.
Thanks to you, Reason can do more of what we do best in the coming year: deliver fresh, unbiased information and insights to our readers, listeners, and viewers every day.
And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
The post Thank You, <em>Reason</em> Donors, for a Huge Webathon Success appeared first on Reason.com.