Your four-star review of the Royal Ballet performances at Doncaster is fair (The Royal Ballet: Doncaster Dances review – glittering gala showcases dazzling array of talent, 25 September), but it is a pity that it didn’t expand on the context that led to the show.
As the review states, the programme came “in tandem with education projects in the city”. They were inspired by the local MP, Ed Miliband, who encouraged a partnership between the Royal Opera House, Doncaster council and the Cast theatre to improve access to the arts for children. More than 100 schools and 200 teachers have been involved.
On Saturday, 300 children participated in a performance headed by five Royal Ballet dancers. It was very moving to watch so many children engage in creative expression.
It’s heartwarming that a politician has taken the initiative to bring arts to schools – against the government’s misguided policy to reduce the arts in education at all levels, despite their contribution to wellbeing and the soft skills necessary for career success.
Sheila Cross
Newby Wiske, North Yorkshire
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