Dog lovers should take note! The much-anticipated "Thailand International Dog Show" will come back bigger than ever, allowing participants to relive happy memories with their beloved four-legged friends.
A collaboration with the Thai Pet Product Industries Association and Perfect Companion Group, the "SmartHeart Presents Thailand International Dog Show 2022" will take place at Impact Exhibition Hall 5-6, Muang Thong Thani, from Thursday to Sunday.
Its theme, "20th Year Dog Show Reunion" will mark the platinum anniversary of what has been hailed as Thailand's number one event for dog lovers.

The four-day event will be packed with activities for canines including the favourite "Dog Jumping", "Zigzag Run", "Come To Your Mama Award", "Dog Snack Licking", and "Dog Detective" which will take place every day.
Expect to see the Boerboel, a large dog breed presented by the Asia Big Dog kennel, which will be showcased every afternoon; beautiful dogs of different breeds in the dog beauty contest which will run throughout the four days; as well as the "Agility Championship 2022" on Sunday.
Pitbull lovers shouldn't miss the "Vertical Climbing" show on Thursday at 1.30pm, the "Ultimate Pitbull Weight Pulling Championship" on Saturday from 11am to 8pm, and the pitbull beauty contest on Sunday at 4pm.

Other highlights include a meet and greet with two celebrities -- Willie McIntosh and Sena Hoy -- on Saturday at 2pm, and the talk show on "Innovation And Pets" on Sunday, also at 2pm.
The event will bring a wide array of quality dog products and services from more than 200 vendors, with up to 70% discounts. They include dog care innovation and technology for the new generation of dog owners.
As in previous years, there will be a "Dog ID Card Zone", an "Adoption Zone" for those interested to adopt a homeless dog, veterinary consulting services, free vaccination services, and personal shopper services for those who place orders online.
The entry fee is 20 baht (free for children and dogs), with proceeds going to help hungry stray dogs.
Visit thailand-dogshow.com or facebook.com/ThailandInternationalDogShow.