Developer KT Racing is compensating players in Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown. This is in response to the game's botched launch which was rife with bugs and technical issues.
Players who were able to dive into the world of Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown before the release of its first major patch on Sept. 30, 2024, are eligible for compensation. This includes two unique items that will be added to their inventories.
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Update
Both of the rewards will coincide with the game's Season 2 launch which will be coming sometime after Dec. 18, 2024. The first item in the compensation pack is a custom-built Adventurer edition of the 1986 Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe.
The developer said that this particular vehicle comes "fully equipped for the island's off-road roads." Players who are eligible for the compensation will also get a pack of five stickers that they can use to customize their cars and make them unique, according to Eurogamer.
But before the first major patch came to Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown, the game was set to get a second update. This particular patch is scheduled to drop on Nov. 5, 2024, and focuses on graphical improvements for PlayStation 5 players.
On top of this, it is also rumored to include optimizations for Xbox Series X/S and PC players. The developer seems to be planning network upgrades, improved peripheral compatibility, and several bug fixes.
Another issue that the game suffered from affected players who bought the Gold Edition of Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown. This particular edition's selling point was that it would grant users a week of early access before it fully launched to the public, GTPlanet said.
A Troubled Launch
However, this period was largely inaccessible due to widespread server issues that prevented players from actually playing on all platforms. This issue also persisted to the post-launch period of the game.
Publisher Nacon acknowledged the problem and said that the compensation being given to players would not cause any unfairness. It also noted that the rewards would not affect the game's unique progression balance.
One of the things that the second major patch includes is reducing the shadow cost in the performance of the game. The update also features a variety of optimizations to improve the game's memory consumption.
The second major patch also improves global illumination as well as octree tracing performance to make the game look and feel smoother. The shadow quality created by headlights will also be improved, according to DSO Gaming.