Every festive season families up and down the country find themselves asking a big question: is Love Actually the greatest Christmas film of all time? The seasonal favourite is loved by millions but the all-important answer is still hotly-debated. For some, nothing tops Elf. For others, Die Hard is the way to go - but this will in turn launch a debate about whether the cult classic belongs in this category.
Thankfully, the nation might have just gotten a little closer to answering the long-standing debate. Enter Tesco. The supermarket's Christmas advert features a broadcast by 'The Christmas Party', who are campaigning to 'stand up for joy'.

The ad begins with a serious message, acknowledging many are facing a squeeze on their finances while arguing people need joy.
But the broadcast also includes the Party's tongue-in-cheek pledge to hold "a referendum to see if Love Actually is the greatest Christmas film."
As such, people have once again been debating the topic, which means we might finally have an answer once and for all. However, if you are hoping for a quick result, you might be left disappointed. So far viewers have struggled to reach a general consensus.
Commenting after Tesco shared its ad to Twitter, one film fan said: "Love Actually is greatest Christmas ROM com film ever made."
But another blasted the "saccharine" film, arguing: "Die Hard is best Christmas film by the way."
It comes as another supermarket also turned to the movies for inspiration for its Christmas advert this year. Asda's festive offering features Buddy the Elf, by combining new footage and classic scenes from the iconic movie starring Will Ferrell.
In response, fans were quick to praise Asda for creating "the best Christmas advert ever", with many again discussing their favourite seasonal film.
One viewer said: "I absolutely love @asda’s Christmas Ad with Buddy the elf. My favourite christmas film. A second added: "Very clever! Elf is THE Christmas film. Well done @asda."
Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below.