More than 50 homeowners have been terrorised by a mysterious figure appearing on their doorsteps wearing a television on his head who leaves vintage TVs at their front doors.
Homeowners in the US were frightened when they received alerts from their doorbell video cameras that had captured the man walking onto porches before depositing TVs before disappearing into the night.
Residents of Henrico County, Virginia, were left confused by the 'gifts', with one dubbing him “the TV Santa Claus.”
Lieutenant Matt Pecka from the local police department said they began receiving calls about the strange phenomenon on Sunday morning.
They believe the mystery man could have had a helper, who wore a TV and a white jumpsuit to make more deliveries.
Jeanne Brooksbank, one of the recipients who lives in the Hampshire neighbourhood, told the Washington Post: “Everyone started coming out of their houses, walking around the neighbourhood looking at the TVs there on the doorstep. It was very Twilight Zone.
“I think it was awesome, lighthearted and so great to have a fun story like this, even though there are so many tragedies occurring. I feel lucky I got a TV.”
A similar incident took place in nearby Glen Allen last August, leading police to believe the incident could be linked to a college fraternity prank.