The first season of Ten Pound Poms followed the fortunes of a group of Brits who traveled Down Under in search of new lives as part of an assisted migration scheme during the 1950s. However, once they reached Australia they soon realised they'd been mis-sold their new adventure and life wasn't always easier in the sunshine.
Now, we are back in Australia for a second time as the series starring Michelle Keegan, Faye Marsay and Warren Brown continues.
Here is everything that happened in Ten Pound Poms season 2 episode 3...
The third episode opens with Pattie winding her brother, Peter, up about him fancying Birdie, but while her parents tell her to stop being mean, she is feeling tired becasue of being a new mum and sad becasue of Stevie leaving.
Kate is back at the hostel and watches the children playing as she sits outside her hut... but as she watches them she is reminded of Michael and how hard she fought for him.
Annie goes to the first women's meeting with Elaine and her friends after being invited when they met at Benny's party. They all talk about the important jobs they had during the war and how they are struggling to go back to being housewives again. They ask Annie what she did in the war and she talks about working with Harry the baker and we see more flashbacks of her time with him where she looks happy and relaxed.
They talk about the difference in freedom that women have in Australia in comparison to the UK and Annie says that the biggest difference is in England women and men drink alongside one another in bars and pubs, whereas in Australia there are separate bars for each gender. She says she sometimes wonders what would happen if she went into a man's bar and ordered a rum... the women all say they should try it, and they make a plan.

Once in the bar, the men drinking are shocked to see the women turn up but Annie and her friends manage to get served - however, things turn sour when the men get rowdy and suggestive. The women want to leave but the men won't let them. Eventually, they lock them in a store cupboard and tell them they can leave when their husbands come and fetch them, which leaves them terrified and humiliated.
Eventually, Annie and her friends are freed when Terry and the other husbands turn up, but they are left embarrassed. Once home, Terry asks Annie what is happening, as - along with the bikini business and now this - Annie doesn't seem herself. He tells her that she is needed at home, not at the store or in bars with her friends and she is hurt when he tells her that she needs to be around more for Pattie and Peter. As Terry leaves, Annie has another flashback to working with Harry in the bakery.
Maggie confronts Ron at the beach hut and asks him what he is doing there. She tells him she is Artie's widow and he doesn't believe her, because Artie told him that his wife died in the war. Maggie asks what work Ron is doing and he tells her that he's turning it into Artie's dream business - a fish and chip shop by the sea, like they have in England. She seems impressed and they finally seem to be getting along, until Ron works out she must know Terry Roberts, and Maggie is thwarted, knowing that the same is up becasue Terry knows full well that she isn't Artie's widow.
Later Ron finds Terry and tells him about Maggie, and Terry promises that he will find out what is going on. He confronts her the next morning and she admits that she has possession of the deeds and that she isn't giving them up.

At the store, Marline tells Annie that a local beauty pageant has asked them to be their sponsor and she thinks it is a chance to get the store's name out there and shift some stock. Annie says she will hold the fort at the shop and suggests that Pattie goes with Marline to the pageant. Pattie is thrilled, and happy to have a purpose that isn't just being a mum.
At Benny's housing, Terry is fixing Christine's kitchen sink, and she invites him to stay for lunch. He is grateful and chats with her kids. He is a natural with them and when they say they miss the beach and that they never go anymore now their dad isn't around. He promises to take them the next day and they're pleased.
Kate meets Robbie and gives him back his engagement ring as they don't have to pretend anymore - but he looks crestfallen when she hands it back. She tells him that she is now angry at the system and wants to let people know what is happening right under their noses.
Peter is trying to get Birdie's attention when she sees her going into JJ's office. JJ asks her for a palm reading, which she gladly gives, telling him that he has a long lifeline but that something is standing in the way of a happy relationship. As Birdie leaves the office, Peter tries to get her attention, but he fails and JJ realises that he likes her. JJ gives Peter advice on how to get the girls, and says he will teach him how to be a 'man'.

Kate goes to a nation newspaper pretending to be a reporter from The Times in London to get a meeting with the editor. He is miffed that she lied, but when she tells him what happened with her and Michael, it is clear he can see there is a huge story in it. However, he is reluctant to upset the Australian church, government and police and Kate realises he has friends in those places and doesn't want to upset them. She leaves, fuming with the fact everyone is covering up this huge scandal.
At the beach, Terry plays with Christine's kids and he reminisces about when Pattie and Peter were that little. He talks about his kids, and there is a spark between him and Christine.

At the beauty pageant, Pattie is helping Marline when someone mistakes her for a contestant. She tries to get out of it, but Marline pretends to be her chaperone and before she has too much time to think about it, Pattie is in a fancy dress with her hair and makeup done, standing on stage describing her perfect day for the judges. It all goes well and she gets through to the second round, much to Marline's delight. But while Pattie is on stage for the second round, wearing a ballgown and talking about how she would like to teach and travel when she is older, Mary starts crying and everyone is shocked there is a baby at the pageant. Marline, who is meant to be looking after Mary, is nowhere to be seen and eventually Pattie has to admit she is the mother of the crying baby and she runs off stage upset.
Meanwhile, JJ is teaching Peter how to surf at the beach so he can impress Birdie. It goes well and Peter manages to stand - and once they're done, JJ asks Peter for a favour in return. He takes him to the hospital where Shelia is a patient. Peter distracts the receptionist while JJ sneaks in to see Shelia. When they get back to camp, we see that JJ has snuck Shelia out of the hospital and she is hiding in the back of his truck.
Knowing she has been caught out, Maggie goes to see Ron at the beach hut and admits that she isn't Artie's widow but sees finding the deeds in their house as a sign that she can make a good life in Australia despite losing her husband, Sid. She asks to be a partner in the fish and chip business with Ron and Terry and Ron says that as long as he is a partner and not an employee, then he's in.

Back at the hostel, Pattie gets home and races into their hut with Mary, leaving Marline to explain to Annie what happened at the pageant. She is upset and says that while she loves Mary she is holding her back from achieving what she wants in life and that she is worried she will achieve nothing like Annie. Annie is upset by her words and rushes out, and Terry tells Pattie to find her mother and applogise.
Upset, Annie finds Kate and tells her friend a huge secret that she has never told anyone before. She admits that in the war she got a letter telling her that Terry was missing in action and presumed dead and Harry was the one who comforted her through her grief. She admits to Kate that she slept with Harry but that once she learned Terry was alive nothing happened between her and Harry again, even though Terry was a hard man to live with when he came back from war. Kate reassures Annie this is all in the past, but what neither of the women realise is that Pattie, who has come to apologise to her mother, is on the other side of the door and has heard everything.
Pattie gets back from hearing the shocking news and rushes past Terry, leaving him bemused. When Peter dashes off to get more surfing tips from JJ, Terry is at a loose end and so goes to see Christine.
However, when he gets there he finds her and the two kids unconscious becasue of a gas leak in their flat. He bashes the door down and gets them out. But while someone else goes to get help, Terry is terrified when it is only Kevin who wakes up. Are Christine and her daughter dead?
Ten Pound Poms season 2 airs on BBC One at 8pm on Sundays. All episodes are now available on BBC iPlayer as a box set.