Well boil the kettle and crawl into bed with your laptop because a bunch of Aussies (170,000, to be exact) have now won the right to work from home as much as they damn well like.
The Commonwealth public service has officially agreed to let those working in Australian public service jobs work from home indefinitely, thanks to a new union agreement. No WFH caps here, thanks!
Who’s been affected by the new WFH rules?
The Community and Public Sector Union announced the ‘yuuuuge win on Tuesday, which will apply to union staff working in federal, ACT and Northern Territory public sectors, telecommunications, call centres, commercial broadcasting, aviation, and science and research.
Previously, the Coalition government had limited how often employees could work from home and pushed for people to return back to their icky, fluorescent-lighting offices. Stay in the bin where you belong, jerks!
The new rules will now allow for roles to be performed in more locations, as well as people not needing to schlep themselves into offices to perform the exact same shit they would do at home.
The agreement also sees that First Nations people are able to request a flexible working arrangement that takes into account their connection to country and cultural obligations. Fuck yeah.
“These significantly improved and enforceable flexible work rights will open doors for individuals who were previously unable to consider APS (Australian Public Service) employment or had to leave because of a change in circumstances,” CPSU National Secretary Melissa Donnelly said.
“The traditional approach to APS work has hindered the attraction and retention of staff across the Service. Flexibility in how, when and where public sector work is done will see the APS become increasingly diverse, adaptable and accessible.”
“We commend the APS for recognising the importance of flexible work, and the importance of consistent application across agencies. By embracing this opportunity and becoming a leader in workplace flexibility, the APSC (Australian Public Service Commission) and the government have taken meaningful steps towards establishing the APS as a model employer.”
Hell yeah, model employers are hot as shit!
Can we please take this as a sign to let everyone else work from home for the rest of their days? Seriously. I want to bunker myself down in the darkness of my bedroom for as long as I can.
Is everyone in support of the new WFH rights?
But of course, there’s a bunch of dickheads that have decided to sledge the new ruling, probably because they hate people being happy or something like that.
One of those is former Victorian Premier, Jeff Kennett who argued that people’s salaries should be reduced if they work from home.
“If a person chooses to work from home, whatever the number of days a week, their salary [should be] reduced by the reduction in costs they would have otherwise incurred,” he said.
“They don’t have to go through the trauma of driving to and from work, or [taking] the train or something — they save money and it saves them all that stress.”
Got it, so if someone’s lucky enough to cop better working conditions they should… get worse working conditions? Got it, bud.
It’s nice to see (most) people accept that working from home isn’t just a symptom of a pandemic — it’s a wider necessity to maintain people’s quality of life. And, y’know, fuck buses.
The post Tell Ya Boss To Get Fkd: A Bunch Of Aussies Have Now Won The Right To WFH Full-Time appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .