Shania Twain
a record-breaking number one album
Harry’s House,
Florence Pugh
Don’t Worry Darling.
WIN $1,000 To Spend On Harry Styles Tickets
and , had with and shown off his acting chops alongside in the trailer for He’s a busy boy.
Amongst it all, he’s paying a visit Down Under in February and March next year. If you’re lucky, you could even cop a cool $1K to spend on tickets to the shows.
All you have to do is tell us exactly why you’re so pumped to see Harry perform live. Perhaps you’re looking forward to eyeing off his gig wardrobe? Maybe there’s a particular high note in a particular song you’re frothing to hear live? Get as specific as you like darls. We all worship Harry in this house.
Harry Styles live is one experience you’re not gonna wanna miss. He’s hitting up Perth, Melbourne, Gold Coast, Sydney and Auckland with the Love On Tour show in early 2023. Tickets are flying out the door for these shows so get your little mitts on ’em quick –
cop them here.
The post Tell Us Why You’d Froth Going To Harry Styles’ Show & We May Sling Ya $1k To Spend On Tix appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .