The Black Phone
Paranormal Activity, Get Out
The Black Phone
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The Black Phone
Black Phone
WIN: Tell Us The About The Weirdest Call You’ve Received To Win Tix To Blumhouses’ ‘The Black Phone’
The Black Phone
is comin’ out on July 21, and I need you to know that this movie looks absolutely, bloodcurdling-ly terrifying.
Now I’m a long-time horror fan, and not much phases me anymore. I’ve grown to understand the conventions of the genre so not to brag or anything, but I’m super brave.
That is, I *was* super brave, until I watched the trailer for .
When the trailer finished I dropped something on our floorboards and the noise made me jump about five feet in the air. This one GOT to me, you guys.
Produced by Blumhouse Productions (), has everything. Ethan Hawke in the most terrifying role of his career, a mysterious disconnected black phone that just WON’T STOP RINGING, a dank room with a dirty mattress (and no top sheet, disgoostan’) and some brave and tenacious little kids – both dead and alive. It currently boasts a cool on Rotten Tomatoes too, so you know it’s gonna be brilliant.
We’re giving you the chance to win tickets to a v spesh pre-release screening of on Monday, July 11, so you can experience the spooks IRL – and before all ya mates too. All you have to do is tell us about the weirdest call you’ve ever received – and when I say ‘weird’, I’m talkin’ like, phone call from beyond the grave-type of weird.
Spill the tea about your very own moment and you could be sittin’ pretty in an advance screening of this horrifying flick.
is in cinemas on July 21 and advance screenings kick off on July 15. Pop it in your diaries for the scare of a lifetime.
The post Tell Us The About The Weirdest Call You’ve Received To Win Tix To Blumhouse’s The Black Phone appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .