Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in Paris over allegations that the messaging platform is not properly moderated and is being used for illegal activities such as money laundering and drug trafficking. Durov, who co-founded Telegram in 2013, defended the platform's moderation practices, stating that it abides by EU laws and industry standards.
Telegram, with nearly a billion global users, emphasized that the platform and its owner should not be held responsible for the misuse of the platform. Durov, a citizen of the United Arab Emirates and France, has a history of standing up for user privacy and free speech.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, known for his support of free speech, also voiced his defense of Durov on social media. Musk criticized Durov's arrest as a violation of free speech and expressed concerns about the implications of such actions on freedom of expression.
Durov's past clash with Russian authorities, which led to his departure from the country in 2014, highlights his commitment to protecting user data and privacy. French President Emmanuel Macron weighed in on the situation, emphasizing France's dedication to freedom of expression and innovation while noting that Durov's arrest was part of an ongoing judicial investigation.