A ‘quiet’ teenager who died after crashing his moped was over the drink drive limit, an inquest has heard.
Kyle Jowett, 19, was killed when he collided with a lamp post and then a wall outside Monty’s pub in Leigh in the early hours of March 19. During an inquest at Bolton Coroner’s Court today (September 16), evidence was heard from forensic toxicologist Julie Evans that stated Kyle's blood alcohol level was 130. The drink drive limit in England is 80.
“There is evidence to suggest that alcohol had been consumed prior to death,” Ms Evans said. “There is a potential for this to have had a detrimental effect on Mr Jowett’s ability to control a motor vehicle.”
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DC Lister, a Greater Manchester Police (GMP) forensic collision reconstruction officer, told the hearing that Kyle had been travelling “at or about” the speed limit as he rode along Chapel Street towards Leigh town centre and had been wearing full protective equipment, including a helmet.
However, Kyle clipped the kerb near Boundary Street and lost control of his moped. He then crashed into a lamp post and was thrown from the vehicle, before colliding with a wall.

Stephen Wood, who lives close to the collision, told the hearing that he heard an “almighty bang” and ran outside to see what had happened at around 1.45am. He called emergency services but despite the efforts of paramedics and police to resuscitate Kyle, he was pronounced dead at 2.34am.
Following a post mortem, pathologist Dr Sharma recorded ‘multiple injuries’ as the cause of Kyle’s death.
During the hearing, coroner Peter Sigee read a statement from Kyle’s mum, Joanne Jowett. She said that Kyle loved ‘riding his bike’ and playing rugby.
At the time of his death, he was working in the kitchen of a local pub and “absolutely loved” his job. Kyle was planning to train as a chef and had just been told that he would be able to, shortly before he passed away.
The statement read: “My baby boy loved to sing and dance. He was a quiet lad who loved to ride his bike.
“The day that Kyle died was totally devastating for the family. We will miss hearing him sing everyday and he’ll always be missed by everyone.
“As parents, we could never imagine him being taken away at such a young age. It is the hardest thing we have ever had to deal with.
“Kyle will always be with us, especially when we hear his favourite songs. He will never be forgotten.”
At the end of the inquest, Mr Sigee reached a conclusion that Kyle died as a result of a ‘road traffic collision’.
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