A teenager downed a full bottle of vodka before trying to start a fight with her friend and attacking three police officers, a court heard.
Cleo McNally, 18, wrestled an officer for their baton during the rampage, it was also said in court.
Police were dealing with another incident nearby when they were approached by a group of youths, including McNally.
The 18-year-old was trying to start a fight with her friend and was heard swearing and shouting during the incident on November 14 of last year, Manchester Evening News reports.
One of the officers asked her to stop swearing, at which she replied: “Don’t care, she’s a f***** little b***h” and “Do you think I actually care - she is a s**g”.
The officer explained that children and elderly people were close and could hear her and again told her to stop swearing.
She refused and then got close to the officer shouting abuse at the girl who was standing behind her, Stockport Magistrates Court heard.

“She could see the defendant’s hand on her baton and pushed her hand back, and told her to go home,” Jeffrey Bird prosecuting said.
“The defendant said: 'no, you f***** go home' and pushed her backwards. The officer tried to apprehend the defendant and gained control of her on the floor.
“A struggle then ensued, and the officer had to be assisted by two other officers.”
McNally, of Danes Square, Macclesfield, continued to resist and kicked out at all three police officers on Castle Street, Macclesfield.
One was kicked to the wrist and knee, and the others were kicked to the knees.
She was then arrested and taken for a police interview, in which she told officers she had been in an argument with her friend after drinking a full bottle of vodka.
McNally said she remembered the police arriving but didn’t recall putting her hand on the officer’s baton - but did remember pushing them. She said she was ‘incredibly drunk’.
The court heard she had one previous conviction for racially aggravated harassment when she was a youth.
“She said in the midst of it, she did kick the officer but it wasn’t intentional,” Lesley Herman, defending, said. "She is remorseful. There were no injuries - I don’t think the officers had any bruising.”
McNally arrived almost two hours late to the afternoon hearing on Wednesday (March 2), and told Stockport JPs she believed the case was due to be heard the next day instead.
“She was very concerned about being in court, she genuinely thought it would be heard tomorrow at 11am,” Ms Herman said.
“Speaking of the offence, she was arguing with her friend, they were not involved in the other incident. They are still friends. She says, as a result of the incident, she is too scared to drink.”
After berating her for being late and keeping the court waiting, JP Dominic Stone said: “You are going to have to learn to respect people in authority.
“A police officer is there to serve and protect the whole community, including you. They show you courtesy, the least you can show to them is courtesy in return.
“This is going to land you in serious consequences. You were given the opportunity as a youth, and here you are again abusing a police officer - this has to stop.”
McNally was sentenced to a 12 month community order, 15 days of rehabilitation activity requirements and 60 hours unpaid work. She must also pay £50 compensation to each police officer.