The victim of a teenage rape at a house party west of Sydney has called her attacker a monster who deserves to be behind bars.
The young woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, read out an emotional victim impact statement at a sentence hearing in Parramatta Children's Court on Wednesday in the presence of her rapist.
"I hate you for what you did to me. You don't deserve to be happy after the cruelty you've shown me," she said.
"I've struggled every day since. So have my parents, my little sister, my friends and loved ones, and you continue to live your life without repercussions."
The man, who also cannot be named, studied with the victim at Katoomba High School in the Blue Mountains. He was found guilty of six counts of sexual intercourse without consent and one count of choking.
The rape occurred at a house party on a mattress in the premises' living room, the magistrate heard.
The victim said she hoped her assaulter's family could live with the "reality of the monster" he was.
She told the court the rape had destroyed her life, leaving her "ashamed and irreversibly damaged" while giving her nightmares, psychological issues and low self-esteem.
"I don't know who I've become. I used to be so sure of what I was going to do with my life and now I'm so very lost," she said.
"Now all I can do is pray that this magistrate decides to put you behind bars where you deserve to be."
The accused's solicitor Brian Walker said a suspended control order was appropriate for the sexual assault.
"In my submission, it falls to the lower end of objective seriousness for offending of this kind," he said.
There was initial consent, and the incident was opportunistic, occurring in an open area around people, he told the court. The lawyer argued his client had not planned anything or lured the victim into an isolated spot.
The young man was now a person of good character and had a low probability of reoffending, being in a good job and a stable relationship, Mr Walker said.
However, the court heard the man had consistently denied the allegations of rape and had not shown any contrition or remorse for his actions.
The magistrate will hand down her sentence on August 25.