A British teen took to social media to relay the story of how a jawbreaker candy actually broke her jaw, limiting her food intake for a month.
@javdrives Replying to @sara the fara the xrays from when i broke my jaw on a jawbreaker 🫣 #jawsurgery
♬ original sound - Javeria Wasim
19-year-old Javeria Wasim was eating a jawbreaker candy, opting to bite down on the confection instead of softening it by sucking on it.
"I was with my friend at the mall, and we went into [a shop] to see if they had jawbreakers. We got a giant one, the biggest size they had," Wasim told the Daily Mail. "I said, 'We have to break it because people lick their way through it, and it takes them months to get through it all.'"
"We were talking about it and asking, 'Can we bite into this? The candy is literally called a jawbreaker,'" she continued.
However, a single bite left Wasim's jaw feeling incredibly painful and sore. A friend accompanying her noticed that one of her teeth chipped and that another seemed loose.
"I bit into it and only made a hole, and my jaw started to hurt. My friend looked over and said my tooth was chipped," Wasim said, recounting the incident. "It hurt really bad. I was crying a lot when the ambulance came, and everything was blurry."
Wasim was taken to the hospital where an X-ray and a CT scan were administered. The results revealed that she had broken her jaw in two places, causing one of her teeth to loosen.
Wasim's jaw needed to be wired shut for six weeks in order to heal, with her then needed subsequent braces to correct the misalignment in her teeth.
Social media followers chimed in on the post. "They don't call it a jawbreaker for no reason," one TikTok user commented.
@javdrives Replying to @🌸🤍ᴍɪɴᴀ🌸🤍 Am i gonna need braces? #jawwiredshut #brokenjaw #jawsurgery #braces #invisalign #throughthewire #kanyewest #jawbreaker #jbb @invisaligncanada @Invisalign 19 year old girl breaks jaw on jaw breaker javeria wasim
♬ Through The Wire - Kanye West
"They told me my jaw was broken and needed to be wired shut. I was shocked; I thought my biggest problem was my broken tooth," she said.
Wasim said she would never try biting into a jawbreaker again, describing the experience as "traumatizing."
"I'd tell people if they want to get in the middle of a jawbreaker, it's better to take the six weeks to get through to it than having six weeks suffering the consequences of biting it and having your jaw wired shut," Wasim said.
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