Ted Mondale, the son of the late Vice President Walter Mondale, delivered a heartfelt message at Jimmy Carter's funeral. Mondale read a letter written by his father, who served as Carter's vice president and passed away in 2021.
In the 2015 letter, Walter Mondale expressed his admiration for Carter, recalling the moment when Carter asked him to be his running mate in 1976. Mondale described Carter as brilliant and highlighted his great sense of humor.
During their four years in the White House, Mondale noted that Carter accomplished a great deal, leaving a lasting impact on Americans dedicated to justice and decency. The letter emphasized the strong friendship that developed between Mondale and Carter as they worked together on addressing significant challenges.
Carter's forward-thinking approach was also highlighted in the letter, with Mondale praising Carter's willingness to prioritize long-term solutions over short-term political gains. The former vice president commended Carter for his efforts to protect future generations from harm by addressing issues such as climate change and women's equality.
The letter read by Ted Mondale at Carter's funeral served as a poignant tribute to the enduring legacy of the former president and his commitment to making a positive impact on society.