China might already have deployed spy balloons over Britain, according to a UK Government minister (Chad Fish via AP)
(Picture: AP)Rishi Sunak has warned the UK has fighter jets on standby ready to be launched within minutes to shoot down Chinese spy balloons if they are flown over the country.
It follows the US military shooting down four flying objects this month, including what is believed to be a Chinese spy balloon, and three unidentified objects.
A 26-year-old from Brighton has captured footage of an asteroid flying and exploding over the English Channel in the early hours of Monday morning.
The object, which was about 3 feet long and is officially named 2023 CX1, was spotted just before 3am.
A record-breaking mega-battery that can store and smooth out uneven power from renewable sources has been switched on.
The site in Merseyside is run by a company called Zenobe.
It is the size of around two football pitches, and can store as much electricity as 1,500 electric cars, making it Europe's biggest grid-linked battery.
A patient in the UK has become the first to be fitted with an early-warning heart failure sensor.
The tech is the size of a pen lid, can be implanted in 45-minutes, and means doctors can make more early interventions, keeping people well for longer, and avoiding costly hospital admissions.
And the rest:
Premier League closes in on near-£500m deal with EA, will the UK snub the EU’s £88 billion science scheme? How Opera’s browser is building ChatGPT into its sidebar, and how vineyards in France are using pigs from New Zealand to help them make champagne.
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