The six-year-old who shot his primary school teacher was about to have the weapon confiscated, says a classmate’s mum.
Teacher Abby Zwerner’s class at Richneck Elementary School in Newport News, Virginia, had just finished reading a story when the gun went off.
Brittaney Gregory, mother of a child in the class, said: “She was going to confiscate it and that’s when he shot.”
Though police declined to speak about motive, Chief Steve Drew said it came after an “altercation” in class and did not appear to be accidental.
Although the child is still in custody, it is unlikely he will be charged with any crime. Under Virginia law he is an infant and as such can have no criminal intent.

Andrew Block, associate professor at the University of Virginia School of Law, said: “As a practical matter, it would be next to impossible to prosecute a six-year-old.”
State officials said the 550-pupil school would be closed this week to give families “time to heal”.
Ms Zwerner, 25, was seriously injured in Friday’s incident. But yesterday she was in a stable condition and talking to family and friends. It is unclear how the child got the gun.
The school’s metal detectors are for spot-checks only, officials said.