A teacher gave up her job and moved hundreds of miles to become a Love Island star's stay-at-home girlfriend. Summer Hawkins first spoke to Biggs Chris on social media before meeting up in a nightclub.
The 28-year-old hit it off with Biggs, who appeared on the sixth season of ITV2's hit dating series. Just five months later, Summer moved to Glasgow to move in with him, Glasgow Live reports.
The reality star turned property mogul offered to take care of her and pay for everything whilst she stayed at home - including bills, petrol and parking tickets, as well as designer outfits. Summer told the Mirror that in return, she cooks whatever he likes and cleans his home every day.
She even gets his shower ready for him. Summer said: "Every morning without fail I get up before my boyfriend Biggs and turn the shower on so it’s nice and hot for him when he gets in.
"Then I make him a hot chocolate and he tells me what he wants for breakfast. Whatever he wants, he gets, whether that’s chicken and rice or an egg sandwich.

"After giving him a kiss goodbye as he heads off to work, I begin my cleaning routine. I start in the lounge, then do the kitchen, the bedrooms and finally the bathroom.
"I’ll spend the afternoon doing errands like walking our dog, Prince, shopping, going to the gym or getting beauty treatments. I have my eyelashes done every two weeks, my nails every three weeks, and the odd sunbed.
"There aren’t any firm expectations from either of us. If one day I haven’t done the laundry he won’t mention it - and he never makes a big deal about the fact he pays for everything."
"Women fought to vote, to work and to have choice. This is my choice, and I love my life."
Summer shared her story amid a stay-at-home girlfriend (SAHG) trend which has soared in popularity on TikTok, with Summer's video just one of many posted to show people's 'daily routine'. She explained that her family and friends were unsure about the move at first.

Summer said: "Even my mum, who has always worked, said 'you’re like a 1950s housewife'. Now, they’re happy for me because I’m happy.
"Our life makes sense to us. I just want to focus on getting to the next milestones of marriage and babies. I was put on this earth to be a mum.
"If we had a daughter, I wouldn’t mind her being a SAHG as long as she had a nail tech qualification or something in case they broke up. We’ve even talked about her being the partner of a footballer.
"Women fought to vote, to work and to have choice. This is my choice, and I love my life."
The SAHG goes on to explain that Biggs shows affection by 'occasionally cleaning his own plates'. He also lavishes her with gifts, often bringing home flowers, chocolates and teddies.

Appreciating the hard work she puts in, Summer says he tells her 'Thank you for making the house a home.' And while Biggs takes care of everything financially, as well as the 'manly' things, the former teacher does admit he can sometimes feel 'a bit like her son sometimes'.
But despite what others may think, Summer insists she wouldn't have it any other way and would never take advantage of the situation. She added: "If we’re going out together he’ll transfer me money to buy a new outfit.
"I wait to see how much he gives me and then I stick to that budget. I never want to seem like I’m using him. I’m reliant on him, but I don’t mind that."
The trend of SAHGs on TikTok is polarising opinion. “On the surface it seems like bliss,” relationship expert Anna Williamson told the Mirror.
“But it’s a potential breeding ground for power struggles. There’s nothing wrong with just one partner working, but there needs to be clarity, respect and independence at all times for both.”
She advises SAHGs to carve out separate roles for themselves and their “bank of boyfriend” partners so they feel equally valued and can avoid red flags like codependency or financial abuse. With no access to money it can make it much harder for these women to leave the relationship.”
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