The state government's proposed taxi industry reforms will be the focus of a meeting at Wallsend Diggers on Thursday evening.
Leader of the NSW Shooters, Fishers, Farmers Party Robert Borsak and the party's Upper House MP Mark Banasiak as well as representatives of the Taxi Owners Small Business Association and the NSW Taxi Council will be in attendance.
Transport for NSW announced in September 2021 that all existing taxi licenses would be cancelled in 2022 as part of the industry reform process. Operators could then lease back taxi licences for an annual fee.
Mr Borsak and Mr Banasiak will provide an update on issues arising from the proposed reforms including fair and proper taxi licence compensation and wider industry reforms.

The industry received independent advice based on Licence sales data received from Transport for NSW of what the correct cost of licence cancellation reform would cost the government.
The industry believes the solution to the cost of industry compensation lies within the correct allocation of the Passenger Service Levy which would fund the package at no cost to the government and therefore would not need to be a budget consideration.
The Shooters, Fishers, Farmers Party is proposing appropriate industry derived solutions based reforms which are supported and deemed critical to providing a viable and competitive taxi business model delivering professional transport services across Metropolitan and Regional NSW.
Thursday's meeting will commence at 6.30pm.