When Professor Kate Warner first took over as Tasmania's Governor, she noticed a woman who had no front teeth was too embarrassed to talk to her at a function.
That meeting set off an unexpected chain of events.
Professor Warner, who steps down next week, will be remembered for being Tasmania's first female governor but, for others in the community, her time in the role will mean so much more.
After that encounter, Professor Warner helped to raise funds and awareness for dental health — one of the major health challenges Tasmanians face.
After realising how appalling dental health was in the community, she decided to throw open the doors of Government House with a fundraising ball in support of the Royal Flying Doctor Service dental outreach program.
"I was surprised by how many inpatient admissions there are because of poor dental health," she said.
It was just one of the many grassroots issues affecting Tasmanians she will be remembered for caring about.
Like many before her who also strove to make positive changes while in the role, the state's 28th governor set about creating a more inclusive Tasmania and even challenging those in authority on social and political issues.
Despite a long list of academic and career achievements prior to the role, Governor Warner has revealed she felt enormous pressure once she accepted the position in 2014.
"It was important to be a role model in many ways and that is why I was keen to accept the role.
"I felt that expectation."
Having previously worked in the Faculty of Law at the University of Tasmania and as Director of the Tasmania Law Reform Institute, Professor Warner continued to campaign for action on domestic and family violence.
She will also be remembered for being a strong voice for Aboriginal Tasmanians, which included flying the Aboriginal flag permanently at Government House to strengthen the acknowledgment of country.
"I really did want to embrace the Aboriginal community and learn more about Aboriginal culture," she said.
Elder Rodney Dillion said, at the time, it was an important moment of reconciliation.
"It's a step in the right direction, as an Aboriginal person I'm very proud to have our flag up there," he said.
For some, Professor Warner's outspokenness was unwelcome and would lead to her being pressured to stay silent on issues she felt passionate about.
Run-in with Pauline Hanson
At a 2016 asylum seeker rally, she questioned One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson's views that Australia was being swamped by Muslims and there should be a ban on Muslim immigration.
Professor Warner described such comments as racist and said Australia should be a welcoming place.
Senator Hanson called on Professor Warner to consider stepping aside over the comments but then-premier Will Hodgman publicly announced his support for her after they spoke about the issue.
In January 2019, the Governor shared news she had been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma after noticing a sore hip before a bushwalk.
Her form of the disease was curable and Professor Warner continued to perform her duties throughout treatment, saying that continuing in the role helped take her mind off the illness.
"I was pretty optimistic … and thought about it as little as possible," she said.
After several months of treatment, she was given the all-clear by doctors.
Professor Warner and her husband Richard are now preparing to move out of the neo-Gothic Government House to make way for her successor, retired federal circuit court judge Barbara Baker, who will step into the role after June 9.
Professor Warner, 76, plans to continue her academic work and will return to law as a patron of the Justice Reform initiative.
In her downtime, Professor Warner will also spend time with her five grandchildren, continue working in the garden and is planning more bushwalks.