Thousands of kilometres from devastating floods in NSW, volunteers in Tasmania are busy collecting hay bales to help farmers in need.
Organisers of the From Tassie To Alstonville Hay Run are aiming to set off in a truck convoy on April 23 across Bass Strait.
"Our members decided they'd like to do something. We started off asking if people would like to purchase gift vouchers," co-organiser, Karen James, who is from Devonport in the state's northwest, said.
"I thought, I wonder whether I could get some trucks together and some hay? The first day I put out a call for hay I got 120 large rounds pledged."
The number is now up to 200, something Ms James hopes to triple before the hay is trucked to Alstonville, which sits between Lismore and Ballina.
She said she had been in contact with a farmer in the town who had been collecting dead livestock daily from floodwaters.
"They are in desperate need. We would love to get up there sooner but it will take a while for the floodwaters to recede," she said.
The Tasmanian truck convey is planning to meet up with one from Need to Feed Australia on the mainland.
Ms James is asking for people to volunteer their trucks or as drivers and chip in for fuel. She said fuel will likely cost $1500 per truck for the round trip.
"If we don't look after our farmers, what's it going to do to the cost of meat and things? It's going to fall back on us," Ms James said.
People can contact the group via Facebook.