The Talmudic sage Hillel advised that it was possible to recite the whole Torah while standing on one leg (Letters, 17 July), ie “don’t do to others what is hateful to you … the rest is commentary”. It would be a good discipline for all politicians to adopt the same posture when explaining their policies. Given the incoherence of Tory leadership candidates, they might wish to try an easy start – the benefits of Brexit, say, or the achievements of the Conservative government – and work their way up.
Dr Anthony Isaacs
• I learned with interest that, in her younger years, Penny Mordaunt had been an assistant to master magician, Will Ayling. My wife, Sue, preceded her, by some years, in that role. She still recalls the time fondly. But, unlike Ms Mordaunt, she harbours no illusions about the competency of this government.
Howard Jones
Shirley, West Midlands
• More resourcing should be put into training doctors and nurses in the UK (Letters, 17 July). However, having just spent two months seriously ill in hospital – now recovering – I was just glad of the excellent porters, ancillary staff, nurses, doctors and consultants, wherever they came from. They are surely welcome here.
Keith Flett
Tottenham, London
• As their current political leader is casting an undeserved pall over all Hungarians, it is worth pointing out that the Latin book Winnie Ille Pu (Letters, 17 July) was a translation by a remarkably talented Hungarian, Sándor Lénárd (Alexander Lenard, 1910-1972).
Peter Sherwood
• Angela Rayner is wrong to call Boris Johnson “missing in action”. He is missing in inaction.
Colin Baker
Llangynidr, Powys
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.