A talented New College Lanarkshire student has won the title of Student Scottish Nature Photographer of the Year in the annual Scottish Nature Photography Awards.
The annual competition invites entries of images taken in Scotland by professional or amateur photographers from around the world.
HND Photography student Murronrose Dunn, from Bargeddie, submitted a portfolio of three images called Passing Time.
Murronrose told Lanarkshire Live : "I am currently in my last year at New College Lanarkshire. It all started with a simple night class in 2019 while I was in my last year of high school. After that, I caught the photography bug and then continued to my NQ.
“Photography has always been an interest of mine, but my passion stems from my dad. He was always playing with an old point and shoot at events or occasions.

"When he bought a Nikon D3500, I was fascinated by it. He has been with me to every landscape through rain or sun, and I owe where I am today to my family and college."
Commenting on her winning entries, Murronrose explained: "My three images were shot during the restrictions last year, where the furthest I could travel was Glencoe.
"They were a moment to just connect with nature and step back from the world. Each image focuses heavily on water and freezing the motion to create a smoothed-out milky effect.
"The series goes from daylight to sunset, I wanted each image to look unique but as a set show the change from noon to dusk.
"The effect that the time of day had on each image is incredible, from the clouds preparing to burst in Glencoe to the cold blue sky in New Lanark."

Murronrose’s lecturer, HND Photography course team leader, Elizabeth Morton, told us: “The staff on the Photography courses at New College Lanarkshire are delighted that Murronrose’s hard work has been recognised.
"Murronrose is a very talented young lady who is capable of capturing the most atmospheric of images, not just in the studio but in the natural world too.
"As acknowledged by the judging panel, the range of skills needed to capture these images show her talent. What makes her achievements more incredible is that her studies were interrupted by the pandemic.
“Murronrose has been with us now for three years and once she completes her HND will be moving on to university to take on the next challenge of an Honours Degree.
"She has completed each level of her studies with enthusiastic and infectious energy and thrives on new challenges. Entering this competition was additional to coursework, but something she enjoyed."
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